The Saddest Day of My Life
Yesterday (Friday, 9 September 2011) was the saddest day of my life. I lost my father. He passed away after suffering from chronic kidney disease and chronic diabetes. He was ill for quite some time but I never expect he would leave me forever so soon.
Last night was the worst night of my life too. All the sweet memories with my late father when I was just a small kid kept on coming and flashing through my mind like the big screen cinema. Indeed those sweet memories that have made me cry silently.
My Late Father, Bapak Tamam And Bapak Sugianto Saved My Life In 1991
Before I went to the University of Sheffield in 1992 to do my Bachelor of Law (LLB) degree, I studied at Northern Consortium of United Kingdom (NCUK) located at Section 6, Shah Alam in 1990 and 1991. And when I was studying at NCUK I suffered from a mysterious and strange illness. Due to that illness I was not able to speak for more than two months although an ENT specialist in Batu Pahat Hospital has confirmed that medically, there was nothing wrong with my throat.
During those two months full of agony, I practically used sign language to communicate with my parents. My world crumbled and I felt so lonely in my own silent world. I will never forget how my late father has made every possible effort to cure me through modern medical treatment as well as traditional treatment in order to end my suffering.
Based on the advice from my former MRSM Muar religious teacher, my father then sent me to receive a traditional treatment from a Javanese Imam (Bapak Tamam) who lived in a remote village which at that time did not have any electricity and any modern water supply. Bapak Tamam also brought me to see his friend, a religious man by the name of Bapak Sugianto who used to attend the same Muslim religious school or Pondok Pesantren with him in Java, Indonesia.
No words can describe the sense of emptiness and loneliness that I went through during that period of time. For more than 3 months I lived with the Imam in that remote village so that he could give treatment to me on daily basis until I have fully recovered from my strange illness. Bapak Tamam adopted me as his son and subsequently became my spiritual guru.
Hence, the hardship that I have endured as a result of that strange illness has shaped my new personality. A new Khairul Hisham who was not easily mentally-crippled by any external factor was born. I am certainly no Hindustani movie star who would easily cry. Yes I am a no-nonsense 43 years old tough guy. However, when each of my other family members already felt asleep last night, my tears flowed silently down my face. In the darkness of a sad and lonely night, all the sweet memories that I had with my late father especially when I was just a small kid has made me sobbing silently. The truth is I simply can't stop my tears.
Photo: This Is My 18 Years Old Eldest Daughter (Intan Nur Farhana Khairul Hisham). Among The 17 Grandchildren That My Late Father Has, She Was The Closest To Him. She Is The Eldest And The First Grandchild Of My Late Father. Thus, As The 'Pengerusi of Cucu-Cucu Haji Hassan Muin' She Has A Special Place In My Late Father's Heart.
Photo: This Is My 16 Years Old Second Daughter (Intan Nur Qistina Khairul Hisham). She Was Also Very Closed With My Late Father. She Was The One Who Cried The Most. She Can't Stop Her Tears From Flowing Down Her Cheeks Each And Every Time The Sweet Memory With My Late Father Flashes Through Her Mind.
The Last Request For Help From My Late Father
About 15 hours before he passed away, my late father had a short conversation with me at the hospital. He was perfectly conscious at that time although for the past one month he was lying down on the bed 24 hours a day. He looked pale, very tired, very weak but very calm. He looked very deeply into my eyes and uttered these words:
(Since I am the eldest son, he addressed me as 'Long')
"Long, please help me, Long..."
I immediately replied him softly but firmly:
"Alright Abah...Of course I will help you...What kind of help that you need from me, Abah? You can tell me now..."
He responded:
"Please help me spiritually"
I knew that at that time he was talking to me in my capacity as his eldest son. He mentioned very clearly the word 'spiritually'. So I slowly and softly guided him to recite a few Zikir (Islamic religious chanting) that I have learned from my spiritual guru. He recited the Zikir repeatedly. I listened attentively to the chant of his Zikir to make sure the pronunciation was correct. I also corrected him when he made mistakes. I then explained to him the meaning of that Zikir because the original verses were all in Arabic. I really wanted him to recite the Zikir with the full knowledge of its meaning in Malay language. While uttering the Zikir repeatedly, he held and caressed my hand lovingly. Little did I know that 15 hours later he would pass away...
My Late Father Was A 'Fighter'
My late father has battled many types of illnesses throughout his life. He has chronic diabetes, coronary heart disease, chronic kidney disease, high blood pressure and also stomach ulcer.
If my memory serves me right, my father has undergone at least 6 different surgeries throughout his life. Part of his left hand was amputated 2 months ago due to chronic diabetes. Then 5 days before Eid-Fitri celebration, he went through a stomach surgery. And about a week before that, another surgery was performed on his left knee. He also has been receiving dialysis treatment for the past 3 years.
I still remember when I was a kid, my late father was a rubber-tapper. He worked as a rubber tapper at Lam Lee Rubber Plantation, a big rubber plantation owned by a local Chinese rich man located about 10 kilometres from my house in a small village in Johor in south Malaysia.
Since my family is a big family (I have 3 younger brothers and 2 younger sisters), my late father obviously needed more income than his friends in the village. So, he decided to tap the rubber trees at two different designated tapping areas or 'lots' within that rubber plantation estate. This left him with no choice but to start tapping the rubber trees as early as 2:30 am in the wee hours of the morning when everybody else in the village was still sleeping comfortably in their beds.
His friends normally started tapping the rubber trees at 5:30am because they only took one designated tapping area at that Lam Lee Rubber Plantation. The reason he has to start his work earlier because every rubber tapper has to finish tapping all the trees in the respective designated area roughly by 11am so that everybody can gather at the processing centre by that time to help each other to process the sticky and milk-coloured latex sap collected.
This determined father-of-six started tapping rubber trees as early as 2:30am early morning to ensure that he could get an extra income to cover the living cost and education expenses of his six children. Alhamdulillah, my late father's hard work and determination has inspired all his six children to study hard and finish our tertiary education. I managed to get a Bachelor of Law degree from the University of Sheffield in the UK and my younger brother Faizal completed his accountancy degree and MBA at Hull University also in the UK while my other four siblings graduated from University of Malaya (UM), Putra University Of Malaysia (UPM) and Science University of Malaysia (USM).
It is also still fresh in my mind that during those days most of the time my mother, my younger siblings and I would not start eating our lunch until and unless my late father has arrived home on his Yamaha old motorcycle from that Lam Lee Rubber Plantation. When I heard the sound of my late father's motorcycle engine, I knew that our lunch would be served on the table by my mother in a few minutes time although the food was ready much earlier. My late father has never made such a rule but I guess that's one of the ways my mother would like to educate her children to show our utmost respect towards our late father who was very tired tapping the rubber trees since the wee hours of the morning.
Photo: Being A Rubber Tapper, My Late Father Has Never Received Any Higher Education Certificate Etc. Hence, This 'Tokoh Ibu Bapa Mithali Daerah Batu Pahat' Award Certificate Which He Got In 2006 Was The Only Achievement Certificate He Has Ever Received In His Life. Of Course He Never Nominated Himself For This Award. Somebody Else Who Knows My Family Has Nominated Him, Without His Knowledge, To Be The Recipient Of This 'District Of Batu Pahat Exemplary Parents Award' (Tokoh Ibu Bapa Mithali Daerah Batu Pahat). The State Of Johor's Islamic Department Was The Official Organizer Of This Government Initiated Parenthood Award .
Photo: In 1975 When I Was A 5 Years Old Kid, There Was Not A Single Muslim Kindergarten In The Nearby Town. This Simply Means My Late Father Had No Choice But To Send Me To St Stephen Kindergarten Which At That Time Was Located Inside An Anglican Church In Yong Peng (Photo-Above). Although My Late Father Was Just A Villager, He Was Very Determined To Send Me To A Kindergarten So That I Could Receive My Early Childhood Education.
I Still Remember...
I still remember although my late father was just a rubber tapper, he was very determined to ensure all his children would be able to get an early childhood education. During those days when I was a 5 years old kid, there was no government-funded kindergarten such as Tadika Kemas or Islamic kindergarten such as Pusat Asuhan Tunas Islam (Pasti). Thus, he sent me to the St Stephen Kindergarten in Yong Peng which was run and owned by the St Stephen Anglican Church. The year was 1975.
Naturally, being a devout Muslim community, some of the neighbours in my small village condemned him for sending his 5 years old kid to a church just to get an early education. Most of the villagers at that time did not even bother to send their children to a kindergarten. For them, their children's education process only starts at 7 years old when they send their children to the government primary school. But not for my late father. He wanted me to receive an excellent education right from the beginning.
Although 99% Of The Time My Late Father Used Javanese Language To Communicate With My Mother, He Wanted Me To Be Proficient In English!
Besides having no other choice, the other reason that he sent me to a Christian kindergarten was because he wanted me to start learning the global accepted language, the English language from a very young age. It is interesting to note that although 99% of the time my late father communicated with my mother in Indonesian Javanese language (not even in Bahasa Malaysia), he perfectly aware that mastering English language is very important for my future career. In hindsight, I think I did not disappoint him because being a law degree holder from a British university certainly makes me the best English speaker in my village.
Well...without trying to talk big, my fellow respectable Javanese wise old men in my village such as Wak Tumiran, Wak Mijan, Wak Leman and Wak Dakim are certainly no match for me when it comes to English communication skills. Forget about the Yorkshire accent English, Scottish accent or Queen's English. Even if they use their Javanese accent English, they would still struggle for 7 days and 7 nights to speak one complete sentence in proper English. No offence please. Just kidding. Anyway, the credit goes to my late father who has made efforts to ensure that I could master English language slowly but surely since my kindergarten time...
Photo: My Late Father Has Initiated A kind Of 'Bonuslink' Reward System For Me And My Younger Siblings. Each Time When We Got No 1 Or 2 In The Class Examination Or The Highest Mark In Any Subject, He Would Bring Us To A Nearby Town For A Satay Dinner Treat. He Inspired Me Long Before The Existence Of Malaysian Prominent Motivational Experts Such As Dr Fadzilah Kamsah And Dr Shukri Abdullah. My Late Father Was Also Very Proud When In 1987 I Became The Head Prefect Of MRSM Muar, Which Was One Of Four Top Government Boarding Schools In The State Of Johor. And No Doubt I Was On Cloud Nine When I Won The MARA Chairman Cup Debate Competition At National Level In 1985. Then When I Represented The State Of Johor In National Young Scientist Award Competition In 1987 And Subsequently Managed To Get The Second Runner-Up Position At Malaysia National Level, My Late Father Was Speechless And So Happy. What A Sweet Memory...
Last night was the worst night of my life too. All the sweet memories with my late father when I was just a small kid kept on coming and flashing through my mind like the big screen cinema. Indeed those sweet memories that have made me cry silently.
My Late Father, Bapak Tamam And Bapak Sugianto Saved My Life In 1991
Before I went to the University of Sheffield in 1992 to do my Bachelor of Law (LLB) degree, I studied at Northern Consortium of United Kingdom (NCUK) located at Section 6, Shah Alam in 1990 and 1991. And when I was studying at NCUK I suffered from a mysterious and strange illness. Due to that illness I was not able to speak for more than two months although an ENT specialist in Batu Pahat Hospital has confirmed that medically, there was nothing wrong with my throat.
During those two months full of agony, I practically used sign language to communicate with my parents. My world crumbled and I felt so lonely in my own silent world. I will never forget how my late father has made every possible effort to cure me through modern medical treatment as well as traditional treatment in order to end my suffering.
Based on the advice from my former MRSM Muar religious teacher, my father then sent me to receive a traditional treatment from a Javanese Imam (Bapak Tamam) who lived in a remote village which at that time did not have any electricity and any modern water supply. Bapak Tamam also brought me to see his friend, a religious man by the name of Bapak Sugianto who used to attend the same Muslim religious school or Pondok Pesantren with him in Java, Indonesia.
No words can describe the sense of emptiness and loneliness that I went through during that period of time. For more than 3 months I lived with the Imam in that remote village so that he could give treatment to me on daily basis until I have fully recovered from my strange illness. Bapak Tamam adopted me as his son and subsequently became my spiritual guru.
Hence, the hardship that I have endured as a result of that strange illness has shaped my new personality. A new Khairul Hisham who was not easily mentally-crippled by any external factor was born. I am certainly no Hindustani movie star who would easily cry. Yes I am a no-nonsense 43 years old tough guy. However, when each of my other family members already felt asleep last night, my tears flowed silently down my face. In the darkness of a sad and lonely night, all the sweet memories that I had with my late father especially when I was just a small kid has made me sobbing silently. The truth is I simply can't stop my tears.

The Last Request For Help From My Late Father
About 15 hours before he passed away, my late father had a short conversation with me at the hospital. He was perfectly conscious at that time although for the past one month he was lying down on the bed 24 hours a day. He looked pale, very tired, very weak but very calm. He looked very deeply into my eyes and uttered these words:
(Since I am the eldest son, he addressed me as 'Long')
"Long, please help me, Long..."
I immediately replied him softly but firmly:
"Alright Abah...Of course I will help you...What kind of help that you need from me, Abah? You can tell me now..."
He responded:
"Please help me spiritually"
I knew that at that time he was talking to me in my capacity as his eldest son. He mentioned very clearly the word 'spiritually'. So I slowly and softly guided him to recite a few Zikir (Islamic religious chanting) that I have learned from my spiritual guru. He recited the Zikir repeatedly. I listened attentively to the chant of his Zikir to make sure the pronunciation was correct. I also corrected him when he made mistakes. I then explained to him the meaning of that Zikir because the original verses were all in Arabic. I really wanted him to recite the Zikir with the full knowledge of its meaning in Malay language. While uttering the Zikir repeatedly, he held and caressed my hand lovingly. Little did I know that 15 hours later he would pass away...
Photo: This Is The Photo Of My Daughters, Intan Nur Farhana (Right) And Intan Nur Qistina (Left) When They Were Just 6 And 4 Years Old Kids. Actually When They Were At That Age, My Parents Were Living Together With Me And My Wife In The Same House. Hence, Both Of Them Were Very Closed With My Late Father. Unfortunately, It Was Fated That When My Father Breathed His Last They Were Not At His Bedside Because Both Of Them Were Schooling At An Islamic Boarding School In Kelantan.
My Late Father Was A 'Fighter'
My late father has battled many types of illnesses throughout his life. He has chronic diabetes, coronary heart disease, chronic kidney disease, high blood pressure and also stomach ulcer.
If my memory serves me right, my father has undergone at least 6 different surgeries throughout his life. Part of his left hand was amputated 2 months ago due to chronic diabetes. Then 5 days before Eid-Fitri celebration, he went through a stomach surgery. And about a week before that, another surgery was performed on his left knee. He also has been receiving dialysis treatment for the past 3 years.
Photo: My Late Father Used To Be A Rubber Tapper At Lam Lee Rubber Plantation. He Started Tapping The Rubber Trees As Early As 2:30am In The Wee Hours Of The Morning When Everybody Else In The Village Was Still Sleeping Comfortably In Their Beds, Much Earlier Than The Other Fellow Rubber Tappers Because He Took Two Different Designated Tapping Areas Or "Lots" In Order To Get More Income For Our Big Family.
I Still Remember...
I still remember when I was a kid, my late father was a rubber-tapper. He worked as a rubber tapper at Lam Lee Rubber Plantation, a big rubber plantation owned by a local Chinese rich man located about 10 kilometres from my house in a small village in Johor in south Malaysia.
Since my family is a big family (I have 3 younger brothers and 2 younger sisters), my late father obviously needed more income than his friends in the village. So, he decided to tap the rubber trees at two different designated tapping areas or 'lots' within that rubber plantation estate. This left him with no choice but to start tapping the rubber trees as early as 2:30 am in the wee hours of the morning when everybody else in the village was still sleeping comfortably in their beds.
His friends normally started tapping the rubber trees at 5:30am because they only took one designated tapping area at that Lam Lee Rubber Plantation. The reason he has to start his work earlier because every rubber tapper has to finish tapping all the trees in the respective designated area roughly by 11am so that everybody can gather at the processing centre by that time to help each other to process the sticky and milk-coloured latex sap collected.
This determined father-of-six started tapping rubber trees as early as 2:30am early morning to ensure that he could get an extra income to cover the living cost and education expenses of his six children. Alhamdulillah, my late father's hard work and determination has inspired all his six children to study hard and finish our tertiary education. I managed to get a Bachelor of Law degree from the University of Sheffield in the UK and my younger brother Faizal completed his accountancy degree and MBA at Hull University also in the UK while my other four siblings graduated from University of Malaya (UM), Putra University Of Malaysia (UPM) and Science University of Malaysia (USM).
It is also still fresh in my mind that during those days most of the time my mother, my younger siblings and I would not start eating our lunch until and unless my late father has arrived home on his Yamaha old motorcycle from that Lam Lee Rubber Plantation. When I heard the sound of my late father's motorcycle engine, I knew that our lunch would be served on the table by my mother in a few minutes time although the food was ready much earlier. My late father has never made such a rule but I guess that's one of the ways my mother would like to educate her children to show our utmost respect towards our late father who was very tired tapping the rubber trees since the wee hours of the morning.

I Still Remember...
I still remember although my late father was just a rubber tapper, he was very determined to ensure all his children would be able to get an early childhood education. During those days when I was a 5 years old kid, there was no government-funded kindergarten such as Tadika Kemas or Islamic kindergarten such as Pusat Asuhan Tunas Islam (Pasti). Thus, he sent me to the St Stephen Kindergarten in Yong Peng which was run and owned by the St Stephen Anglican Church. The year was 1975.
Naturally, being a devout Muslim community, some of the neighbours in my small village condemned him for sending his 5 years old kid to a church just to get an early education. Most of the villagers at that time did not even bother to send their children to a kindergarten. For them, their children's education process only starts at 7 years old when they send their children to the government primary school. But not for my late father. He wanted me to receive an excellent education right from the beginning.
Although 99% Of The Time My Late Father Used Javanese Language To Communicate With My Mother, He Wanted Me To Be Proficient In English!
Besides having no other choice, the other reason that he sent me to a Christian kindergarten was because he wanted me to start learning the global accepted language, the English language from a very young age. It is interesting to note that although 99% of the time my late father communicated with my mother in Indonesian Javanese language (not even in Bahasa Malaysia), he perfectly aware that mastering English language is very important for my future career. In hindsight, I think I did not disappoint him because being a law degree holder from a British university certainly makes me the best English speaker in my village.
Well...without trying to talk big, my fellow respectable Javanese wise old men in my village such as Wak Tumiran, Wak Mijan, Wak Leman and Wak Dakim are certainly no match for me when it comes to English communication skills. Forget about the Yorkshire accent English, Scottish accent or Queen's English. Even if they use their Javanese accent English, they would still struggle for 7 days and 7 nights to speak one complete sentence in proper English. No offence please. Just kidding. Anyway, the credit goes to my late father who has made efforts to ensure that I could master English language slowly but surely since my kindergarten time...

I Still Remember...
I still remember my late father has initiated my family's very own 'Bonuslink' type of reward system long time ago when I was still in primary school. The system was very simple. Each time when my siblings and I have managed to get first or second position in the class during our school examinations, we were sort of like collecting points that entitled us to follow him to Batu Pahat, a town which is located 27 kilometres from my small village, for a satay dinner treat.
I still remember all the sweet memories when my late father brought me to Batu Pahat for that wonderful satay dinner because when I was in SRK Yong Peng primary school (morning class) and Sekolah Agama Seri Yong Peng (afternoon class) I always got number 1 or 2 position in the class during the examinations.
And during my secondary school in MRSM Muar, I also got number 1 position in my class ("Class Fairuz 1983") in the semester exams from Form 1 until Form 5. I was also the Best Student of MRSM Muar in SRP examinations in 1985. There were also many times I have managed to get the highest mark in a couple of subjects at the college level in MRSM Muar.
Yes, you are right, all of these were just small and past glories which absolutely mean nothing now. But these small and past glories remind me of the so-called "Bonuslink Satay Dinner" reward system that my late father has initiated as a tradition in my family to motivate me and my younger siblings to do well in my study.
My late father was also very proud when in 1987 I became the Head Prefect of MRSM Muar, which was one of the four top government boarding schools in the state of Johor (the other three were Sekolah Menengah Sains Muar, Sekolah Menengah Sains Kluang and Sekolah Tun Fatimah).
And no doubt I was on cloud nine when I won the MARA Chairman Cup debate competition at national level in 1985. Then when I (together with my MRSM Muar project team members Rushdan Hamzah, Pang Poh Yee and Dina Talib) represented the state of Johor in National Young Scientist Award Competition in 1987 and subsequently managed to get the second runner-up position at Malaysia national level, my late father was speechless and so happy. What a sweet memory...
I still remember the joy that I felt when my late father brought me to Batu Pahat to have that satay dinner after I have collected my 'Bonuslink-type' of points by doing well in my exams. This sweet memory really makes my tears silently flow as I am writing this blog. I was just a small 7 years old kid when he started this very motivating reward system in my family.
Perhaps I could say that the great excitement in my heart throughout the journey to Batu Pahat town when my late father brought me there for my first ever satay dinner treat more than 30 years ago in 1977 was akin to the feeling of a modern day kid flying on the Malaysian Airlines plane en route to Disneyland in Anaheim, California. Perhaps.
Satay dinner was considered a luxury at that time by me and my siblings who were just small kids and children of a rubber tapper. Furthermore, at that time there was no KFC, no Pizza Hut, no Kenny Rogers whatsoever in the nearest small town. Starbucks? Not even in my wildest dreams. Stars in the pitch dark night sky, yes. But Starbucks, nope.
Yes, no doubt that my late father was just a rubber tapper. However, the fact remains that he was such a great motivator to me. During the dinner, my late father would advice and motivate me to continue doing well in my study. He inspired me long before the existence of Malaysian prominent motivational experts such as Dr Fadzilah Kamsah and Dr Shukri Abdullah. Thank you Abah...
I still remember my late father has initiated my family's very own 'Bonuslink' type of reward system long time ago when I was still in primary school. The system was very simple. Each time when my siblings and I have managed to get first or second position in the class during our school examinations, we were sort of like collecting points that entitled us to follow him to Batu Pahat, a town which is located 27 kilometres from my small village, for a satay dinner treat.
I still remember all the sweet memories when my late father brought me to Batu Pahat for that wonderful satay dinner because when I was in SRK Yong Peng primary school (morning class) and Sekolah Agama Seri Yong Peng (afternoon class) I always got number 1 or 2 position in the class during the examinations.
And during my secondary school in MRSM Muar, I also got number 1 position in my class ("Class Fairuz 1983") in the semester exams from Form 1 until Form 5. I was also the Best Student of MRSM Muar in SRP examinations in 1985. There were also many times I have managed to get the highest mark in a couple of subjects at the college level in MRSM Muar.
Yes, you are right, all of these were just small and past glories which absolutely mean nothing now. But these small and past glories remind me of the so-called "Bonuslink Satay Dinner" reward system that my late father has initiated as a tradition in my family to motivate me and my younger siblings to do well in my study.
My late father was also very proud when in 1987 I became the Head Prefect of MRSM Muar, which was one of the four top government boarding schools in the state of Johor (the other three were Sekolah Menengah Sains Muar, Sekolah Menengah Sains Kluang and Sekolah Tun Fatimah).
And no doubt I was on cloud nine when I won the MARA Chairman Cup debate competition at national level in 1985. Then when I (together with my MRSM Muar project team members Rushdan Hamzah, Pang Poh Yee and Dina Talib) represented the state of Johor in National Young Scientist Award Competition in 1987 and subsequently managed to get the second runner-up position at Malaysia national level, my late father was speechless and so happy. What a sweet memory...
I still remember the joy that I felt when my late father brought me to Batu Pahat to have that satay dinner after I have collected my 'Bonuslink-type' of points by doing well in my exams. This sweet memory really makes my tears silently flow as I am writing this blog. I was just a small 7 years old kid when he started this very motivating reward system in my family.
Perhaps I could say that the great excitement in my heart throughout the journey to Batu Pahat town when my late father brought me there for my first ever satay dinner treat more than 30 years ago in 1977 was akin to the feeling of a modern day kid flying on the Malaysian Airlines plane en route to Disneyland in Anaheim, California. Perhaps.
Satay dinner was considered a luxury at that time by me and my siblings who were just small kids and children of a rubber tapper. Furthermore, at that time there was no KFC, no Pizza Hut, no Kenny Rogers whatsoever in the nearest small town. Starbucks? Not even in my wildest dreams. Stars in the pitch dark night sky, yes. But Starbucks, nope.
Yes, no doubt that my late father was just a rubber tapper. However, the fact remains that he was such a great motivator to me. During the dinner, my late father would advice and motivate me to continue doing well in my study. He inspired me long before the existence of Malaysian prominent motivational experts such as Dr Fadzilah Kamsah and Dr Shukri Abdullah. Thank you Abah...

I Still Remember...
I still remember when I was a small kid I could hear the sound of an old typewriter in the middle of the night. No, it was not the sound of a haunted typewriter. Actually as a part time reporter of Berita Harian, my late father would normally type his writing or article in the middle of the night after all of his small children have gone to bed.
Although my late father was just a rubber tapper, I must say he was a talented writer too. My late father has never received any formal education in journalism but this did not stop him from being a part-time journalist or a stringer for Berita Harian newspaper in the '70s, '80s and '90s and also Harian Metro newspaper in the '90s.
The reason he became a part time reporter because he wanted to get an extra income to support our big family. The income as a rubber tapper was simply not enough to feed six energetic kids. The payment from Berita Harian that he received for each news published in the newspaper actually helped to raise the family.
All his writings that were published in Berita Harian newspaper were nicely cut and kept by him in his personal drawer. I myself saw there were many times that his news or writings were published in the front page of Berita Harian in the '70s and '80s and in Harian Metro in the early '90s. Sometimes he used his real name 'Hassan Muin' but there were times when he also used his pseudonyms 'Azharihassan' or 'Hassanulmuin'.
As a part time journalist, I came to know that there were two things that could make him happy. The first one was when his writing appeared at the front page of the newspaper. The other one was when he got a byline. He told me one of the greatest satisfactions for a journalist is when there is a byline on the top of the news which states the name of the reporter. During those days not every single news printed on newspaper came with a byline which is traditionally placed between the headline and the text of news. Only selected few interesting news that qualified to get a byline.
Perhaps some of my MRSM Muar ex-school mates still remember that my late father was the journalist who wrote an article about Miss Niki, an Australian teacher who used to teach at MRSM Muar. I remember reading that article which was published in Berita Harian together with Miss Niki's photo wearing beautiful Malaysian traditional Kebaya.

I Still Remember...
I still remember the time when my late father became an unofficial consultant to his fellow villagers pertaining to any administrative matters such as filling up government department's form, college admission application forms, drafting official letters to government departments and many other government-related documentation works.
I think the main reason why his fellow villagers consulted him for those matters was due to the fact that my late father could write relatively well as compared to them. Hence, he was the best person for his fellow villagers to seek help concerning documentation matters.
Majority of his fellow villagers were not highly educated. They were just rubber-tappers and farmers. My father was seen by his peers in the village as the most 'educated' one simply because he could write well and he owned a typewriter! Well...he maybe not 'The Special One' like Jose Mourinho the Real Madrid coach but he was considered as the 'Educated One' by his fellow rubber tappers in my small village.
The consultation was done during the night time but there was no electricity yet in my village during those days in the '70s. This however did not deter my late father from using his old typewriter to help his fellow villagers by typing and drafting documents for them.
Although I was just a small kid at that time, I could see those who came to our house to seek help from my late father would leave our house with satisfaction, often with completely-filled documents or forms in their hand. And my late father has never charged them for the service, not even a single cent.
In 1996, my father was awarded PIS Medal (Pingat Ibrahim Sultan) during the birthday of the previous Sultan of Johor, Almarhum Sultan Mahmud Iskandar Al-Haj at his majesty's palace. This PIS Medal is just a mere 'small' medal as compared to the other types of medal awarded by the Sultan of Johor in Malaysia. However, this morning when I saw his nicely framed photo at the wall of my parents house which shows the late Sultan pinned the PIS medal on my late father's chest, I could see from his face that that was one of the greatest moments in his life!

I Still Remember...
I still remember that my father used to be the village Branch Head of UMNO party. He was just an 'Ahli Politik Kampung' (Small Village Politician) but for at least two terms he was successfully elected as one of the UMNO Committee Members at Divisional level in the '80s. During those two terms he was also elected to be one of the delegates representing his division to attend the ruling party UMNO Annual General Assembly at national level in Kuala Lumpur. If I am not mistaken during those days the UMNO AGM was held at Hotel Merlin because there was no PWTC building yet.
I must confess that I am a loyal supporter of the Malaysian Islamic opposition party, Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party (PAS). Although my late father knew that both my Kelantanese wife and I staunchly supported the opposition PAS party, he has never provoked us by bashing PAS emotionally. I must say he was indeed an open-minded UMNO supporter.
Unlike many other grassroots conservative UMNO members in the village who were always very defensive and emotional in defending the Malaysian government policies, I never recall any occasion that my late father, being a hardcore UMNO loyalist, getting emotional and confrontational when articulating his political party stance or when criticizing the opposition PAS party.
Even went he visited my father-in-law in Kelantan (who is a die-hard supporter of PAS), I saw my father always try to be very diplomatic the moment any current national political issues cropped up during the discussion with my father-in-law and my other Kelantanese brother-in-laws.
I have certainly never heard my father hurling any hurtful words or used abusive and foul language against his opponents from the Islamic PAS party. My father was only interested in promoting the features and benefits of having UMNO party as the ruling party in Malaysia. His political themes were not ideological-based. His political propaganda or selling points were just simple things such as UMNO could bring better development to the people and some other points to that effect.
Not even once he made any unbecoming or unwarranted remarks towards his political opponents. I know this for a fact. I myself have many times tried to 'provoke' him by condemning many policies of his UMNO party while praising sky high the Islamic PAS party but he remains composed and not emotional. Indeed he treated his political opponents even at the village level with respect and dignity.
If we ask any PAS party cadre about UMNO, the general opinion would be more or less the same which is basically UMNO is a party which is so occupied with race-based issues such as Malay race rights and Malay race supremacy and not so much about Islam per se. On the other hand, it's not rocket science to deduce that a loyal die-hard supporter of UMNO will fight tooth and nail anyone who accuses UMNO of being a pure secular party and not exactly promoting Islam as the ultimate way of life and governance in Malaysia. Having said that, I observed that my late father was indeed very careful whenever he opened his mouth talking about Islam and also when he criticized PAS, the opposition Islamic party, so that all those words uttered by him were not against the akidah of Islam.
Photo: One Of The News Written By My Late Father As A Part Time Reporter of Berita Harian Was Regarding A Runaway Daughter. My Late Father's Writing In Berita Harian Has Somehow 'Hypnotised' The Teenage Girl To Return Home To Her Grieving Mother At Kampung Seri Sepakat, Chaah! Indeed I Consider My Late Father An Unsung Hero When That Missing Daughter Eventually Came Back Home To Her Grieving Mother.
I Still Remember...
I still remember being the eldest in the family, when I was a small kid sometimes I accompanied my late father the part time journalist to search for news to be sent to Berita Harian newspaper. In the evening after he has finished his work tapping the rubber trees, my late father would go on-the-field searching for sources of news. And then during the night time, by using his old typewriter he would write-and-write-and-write until he satisfied that whatever article that he has written was newsworthy to be sent to Berita Harian newspaper.
One day I accompanied him to visit a distraught couple at Kampung Seri Sepakat, a small village about 15 kilometres from family's house in Johor, who asked for my father's assistance to write a story to be published in Berita Harian about how helpless and miserable their life were when their daughter ran away from home with an Indonesian foreign worker. With tears flowed non-stop from her eyes, the mother of the runaway teenager expressed her great hope that her daughter would read the news that my late father wrote in Berita Harian. This grieving mother wanted her daughter to realize how devastated her parents were by her action running from home just because she thought she was the Juliet for her Romeo Indonesian lover.
Indeed I consider my late father an unsung hero when that missing daughter eventually came back home to her grieving mother. She told her mother that after reading the news in Berita Harian written by my late father about her running away from home, she felt that as if all the people around her were fully aware about this matter and were looking for her too.
She felt uncomfortable and scared all the time after the news appeared in the newspaper. She was also somehow 'hypnotised' by the way my father described the sorrow of her mother in his writing. Thus, she made a decision to return to her parents. What a happy ending for that family...
My Late Father Himself Has Never Experienced The Love Of A Father
I consider myself fortunate to have a father like my late father, Haji Hassan Bin Muin. Unfortunately my late father himself has never experienced the love of a father throughout his entire life because his father i.e my paternal grandfather passed away about 4 months before my late father was born in 1939. My paternal grandfather, Haji Muin Bin Ali was a Naib Kadhi and an Imam in my small town in 1920s.
My Late Father's "Final Night" With My Mother
My mother told me that on the night before my late father passed away, while lying on the hospital bed, he caressed and gently massaged my mother's hand intermittently throughout his final night in this world.
The nurses on duty also told my mother that they saw in the middle of that 'Final Night' my late father, from time to time, continued massaging my mother's hand and caressing her hair lovingly while my mother was sleeping on the chair next to my late father's hospital bed. That was the last sweet memory that my parents have during their 'Final Night' together in this world.
My Priority Now, As The Eldest Son In The Family
My priority and my main focus now is to look after my 60 years old mother. As long as I am still alive I will take care my old mother. No doubt about that. I will ensure that she will stay with me. Due to career commitment, it is impossible for my five younger brothers and sisters who live in Kuala Lumpur to move to Johor in order to take care my old mother. Hence, as the eldest son I vow I will be the one who will look after my old mother until her last breath.
If I have to modify my business plan and my business modus operandi in order to ensure that I could look after my old mother on daily basis, so be it. Indeed there is no business venture that is more important than looking after an old mother.
I am grateful to Allah that although I am normally in overseas, on the day when my father passed away I was the first person to arrive and hug my old mother. As the eldest son I was also involved in washing and bathing my late father's body as well as conducting the funeral prayer for him.
My Special Thanks To My Beloved Wife
Actually one of the main reasons my wife previously did not accompany me when I was doing my business in Manchester, Khartoum, Kathmandu and Jakarta was that she voluntarily wanted to look after my ill father and my old mother so that I could focus on developing my consultancy business in overseas.
My wife was the person who has patiently looked after my ill father and my old mother when I was in overseas. In other words, my wife became the eyes and ears of me. On daily basis she would update me on what's happening to my parents when I was away. She brought my late father to the dialysis centre to undergo his dialysis treatment 3 times a week for the past 3 years.
All this while my wife was also the person who drove my parents to any destination that they wished to go, whether to buy groceries, or to the clinic or to visit our relatives. Although my wife is just a daughter-in-law, she with her kind heart has really devoted her time to take care my ill late father and my old mother.
Due to their career commitment, all my younger brothers and sisters have no choice but to live in the big cities (four of them in Kuala Lumpur and one in Abu Dhabi) which are far away from my old mother who is living in our family house in a small village in Johor. Thus, without any slightest of doubt they are indeed very thankful to my wife for her noble sacrifice.
Even the villagers in my small village know about my wife very commendable attitude towards her parents-in-law who are my late father and old mother. For that, I must say to my beloved wife: "Thank you so much my dear wife. You are everything to me. You are my heart. My nyawa. My ratu hatiku. My angel. My sunshine!"
That Day Will Never Come...
Until the day I die I will never forget what my late father have told me in the hospital. He said: "Later after I am discharged from this hospital, I would like to go to your house to spend time with you to learn more about all the Zikir that you have guided me to recite just now"
When I kissed my late father's face for the very last time before it was wrapped in a white cloth which served as the shroud, I finally accepted the reality that that day will never come...
Good Bye Abah...Till We Meet Again At Padang Mahsyar On The Day Of Judgment, Insya-Allah.
Al-Fatihah For My Beloved Late Father, Haji Hassan Bin Haji Muin. Al-Fatihah...
Ya Allah Tuhan Yang Maha Pengasih..., Kasihanilah Ayah Saya, Hassan Bin Muin Sebagaimana Beliau Mengasihi Saya Semasa Saya Kecil
Ya Allah Tuhan Yang Maha Pengampun..., Ampunkanlah Dosa-Dosa Ayah Saya, Hassan Bin Muin
Ya Allah Tuhan Yang Maha Penyayang..., Cucurilah Rahmat Ke Atas Roh Ayah Saya, Hassan Bin Muin
Ya Allah Tuhan Yang Maha Memperkenankan..., Tempatkanlah Roh Ayah Saya, Hassan Bin Muin Di Kalangan Roh Orang-Orang Yang Beriman
Ya Allah Tuhan Yang Maha Pemurah..., Jadikanlah Alam Kubur Ayah Saya, Hassan Bin Muin Satu Taman Dari Taman-Taman Syurga
Ya Allah Tuhan Yang Maha Menghendaki..., Lindungilah Ayah Saya, Hassan Bin Muin Dari Azab Kubur
Ya Allah Tuhan Yang Maha Berkuasa..., Permudahkanlah Urusan Hisab Ayah Saya, Hassan Bin Muin Di Padang Mahsyar Nanti
Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin...
Allah telah menjanjikan kelebihan kepada mereka yang menghafal al Quran seperti yang digambarkan di bawah.
Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w:
Daripada Anas ra. Ia berkata bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: "Sesungguhnya Allah itu mempunyai keluarga yang terdiri daripada manusia". Kemudian Anas berkata lagi, lalu bertanya: "Siapakah mereka itu wahai Rasulullah". Baginda menjawab: "Iaitu ahli Quran (orang yang membaca atau menghafal Al- Quran dan mengamalkan isinya). Mereka adalah keluarga Allah dan orang-orang yang istimewa bagi Allah"
Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w:
Daripada Abdullah Bin Amr Bin Al Ash ra, bahawasanya Nabi s.a.w bersabda: "Di akhirat nanti para ahli Al Quran diperintahkan: Bacalah dan naiklah ke syurga. Dan bacalah Al Quran dengan tartil seperti engkau membacanya dengan tartil pada waktu di dunia. Tempat tinggal mu di syurga berdasarkan ayat paling akhir yang engkau baca"
Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w:
Daripada Anas ra, bahawasanya Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda: "Para pembaca Al Quran itu adalah orang-orang yang arif di antara penghuni syurga"
Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w:
Daripada Abu Musa Al Asya'ari ra, bahawasanya Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda: "Diantara perbuatan mengagungkan Allah adalah menghormati orang Islam yang sudah tua, menghormati orang yang menghafal Al-Quran yang tidak berlebih-lebihan dalam mengamalkan isinya dan tidak membiarkan Al-Quran tidak diamalkan, serta menghormati kepada penguasa yang adil"
Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w:
Daripada Abdullah Bin Mas'ud ra, bahawasanya Nabi s.a.w. bersabda: "Bacalah Al Quran kerana Allah tidak akan menyeksa hati orang yang hafal Al-Quran. Sesungguhanya Al-Quran ini adalah hidangan Allah, siapa yang memasukinya ia akan aman. Dan barangsiapa yang mencintai Al Quran maka hendaklah ia bergembira"
Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w:
Daripada Ibnu Mas'ud ra, bahawasanya Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda: "Yang menjadi imam dalam solat suatu kaum hendaknya yang paling pandai membaca Al Quran"
Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w:
Daripada Jabir Bin Abdullah ra, bahawasanya Nabi s.a.w menyatukan dua orang daripada orang-orang yang gugur dalam Perang Uhud dalam satu liang lahad. Kemudian Nabi s.a.w. bertanya: "Dari mereka berdua siapakah paling banyak hafal Al Quran? Apabila ada orang yang dapat menunjukkan kepada salah satunya, maka Nabi s.a.w memasukkan mayat itu terlebih dahulu ke liang lahad"
Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w:
Daripada Ali Bin Abi Thalib Karramallahu Wajhah, bahawasanya Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: "Barangsiapa membaca Al Quran dan menghafalnya, maka Allah akan memasukkannya kedalam syurga dan memberikannya hak syafaat untuk sepuluh anggota keluarganya di mana mereka semuanya telah ditetapkan untuk masuk neraka"
Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w:
Daripada Abu Hurairah ra, bahawasanya Nabi s.a.w bersabda: "Orang yang hafal Al Quran nanti pada hari kiamat akan datang dan Al Quran akan berkata: "Wahai Tuhan, pakaikanlah dia dengan pakaian yang baik lagi baru." Maka orang tersebut diberikan mahkota kehormatan. Al Quran berkata lagi: "Wahai Tuhan tambahlah pakaiannya." Maka orang itu diberi pakaian kehormatannya. Al Quran lalu berkata lagi: "Wahai Tuhan, redailah dia." Maka kepadanya di katakan: "Bacalah dan naiklah. Dan untuk setiap ayat, ia diberi tambahan satu kebajikan."
Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w:
Daripada Jabir Bin Nufair, bahawasanya Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda: "Sesungguhnya kamu tidak akan kembali menghadap Allah dengan membawa sesuatu yang paling baik daripada sesuatu yang berasal daripada-Nya iaitu Al Quran"
Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w.:
Daripada Buraidah Al Aslami ra, bahawasanya ia mendengar Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: "Pada hari kiamat nanti, Al Quran akan menemui penghafalnya ketika penghafal itu keluar dari kuburnya. Al Quran akan berwujud seseorang dan ia bertanya kepada penghafalnya: "Apakah anda mengenalku?".
Penghafal tadi menjawab: "Saya tidak mengenal kamu." Al Quran berkata: "Saya adalah kawanmu, Al Quran yang membuatmu kehausan di tengah hari yang panas dan membuatmu tidak tidur pada malam hari. Sesungguhnya setiap pedagang akan mendapat keuntungan di belakang dagangannya dan kamu pada hari ini di belakang semua dagangan. Maka penghafal Al Quran tadi di beri kekuasaan di tangan kanannya dan diberi kekekalan ditangan kirinya, serta di atas kepalanya dipasang mahkota perkasa. Sedang kedua orang tuanya diberi dua pakaian baru lagi bagus yang harganya tidak dapat di bayar oleh penghuni dunia keseluruhannya. Kedua orang tua itu lalu bertanya: "Kenapa kami di beri dengan pakaian begini?". Kemudian dijawab: "Kerana anakmu hafal Al Quran."
Kemudian kepada penghafal Al Quran tadi di perintahkan: "Bacalah dan naiklah ketingkat-tingkat syurga dan kamar-kamarnya." Maka ia pun terus naik selagi ia tetap membaca, baik bacaan itu cepat atau perlahan (tartil)"
Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w:
Daripada Sisyah ra, bahawasanya Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda: "Jumlah tingkatan-tingkatan syurga sama dengan jumlah ayat-ayat Al Quran. Maka tingkatan syurga yang dimasuki oleh penghafal Al Quran adalah tingkatan yang paling atas, dimana tidak ada tingkatan lagi sesudah itu"
Khairul dear, please accept my heartfelt sympathy on the passing of your father. My heart goes out to you. Reading you previous posting has cheered up my life and made me laugh but my tears flowed from my cheek reading your post this time. Excellent piece of writing! Take care Khairul dear.....
ReplyDeleteTakziah abg khairul hisham. semoga tabah ya
ReplyDeleteDear Khairul,
ReplyDeleteMy sincere condolences to you. Take care my friend!
looking very nice tradition, can u tell me in which country this is followed ?
DeleteAl-Fathihah for late dad, this time your writing made me cry..Please continue writing...
ReplyDeleteAbang Hisham, yes.., Anonymous and Admirer are right.
ReplyDeleteThis time your writing made my tears flow from cheeks.
My condolences to you.
You're a talented writer, like your late father I guess.
Your late father would be proud of you.
May Allah bless you........
Accept my condolences from the Himalayas! I pray for him here, in the abode of the Gods.
ReplyDeletesalam buat sahabat,
ReplyDeletetakziah. Semoga rohnya ditempatkan dikalangan orang yang beriman.
Take care bro.
As Salam,
ReplyDeleteTakziah. Semoga rohnya berada di kalangan mereka yang beriman.
Ibu dan ahli keluarga saya juga menyampaikan salam mereka kepada semua keluarga Allahyarham.
It has been a long time since my late father met Allahyarham.
Take care.
Zarina Ithnin & Family
Batu Pahat, Johor
Beautiful, Hisham. May your father dwell in sweet repose with the Prophet, His Family, the Companions and all brethren of the Divine Presence.
Salam Khairul, salam takziah dari akak. Moga Allah ampuni dan rahmati arwah ayahanda Khairul. "Dan orang yang beriman beserta zuriat mereka yang mengikuti mereka dalam keimanan, Kami pertemukan mereka dan zuriat mereka di satu tempat (dalam syurga).." surah At Tur ayat 21
ReplyDeleteKak Malina Osman
Hi Khairul,
ReplyDeleteI want to offer my deepest sympathy on your beloved father's passing.
A well-lived life is not measured in how much money one has or what possessions he/she has accumulated, but rather through the lives he/she touched. From your writing, you can proudly say that your late father indeed had a well-lived life.
Take care my friend!
Assalamualaikum Khairul...sad to hear on what happen to your arwah abah but thats cycle of life..semoga tabah dan doakan selalu arwah disana kerana kita pun akan menyusul bila2 masa sahaja yg telah ditentukan...bila nak ke Sudan lagi..saya masih disini utk tahun ke 5 dan harap tu masih mengingati saya...azmy..lone ranger in Juba...
ReplyDeleteDear "Admirer", "Anonymous" & "YourBigFan",
ReplyDeleteThank you for your thoughts and kind words
Although I do not have the opportunity to know you more or meet you in person, I got so much comfort from your kind words and thoughts.
Thank you once again for your friendship
Take care. May God be your guardian. Bye for now..
Dear Mr Subodh Rana,
ReplyDeleteYour thoughtfulness at this time of great sorrow is truly a comfort. Thank you for your heartfelt thoughts and condolence from the Himalayas.
My late father who was just a villager surely never has a glimpse of thought that when he passed away we would get a condolences message from a son of the great General Kiran Shumsher Jung Bahadur Rana who made an official visit to Malaya in 1955.
Thank you once again for your friendship. Take care. May God be your guardian. Bye for now..
Dear En.Zamzuri,
ReplyDeleteTerima kasih banyak-banyak atas ucapan takziah dan doa yang diberikan. Saya sangat menghargainya.
Semoga En.Zamzuri sentiasa dirahmati Allah. Amin. Take care. Khuda hafiz. Wassalam...
Dear Zarina,
ReplyDeleteSaya mewakili keluarga Allahyarham Haji Hassan Muin mengucapkan terima kasih banyak-banyak kepada Zarina dan Ibu atas ucapan takziah dan doa yang diberikan.
Ya, arwah ayah saya dan arwah ayah Zarina memang saling mengenali dan bersahabat baik. Kini kedua-duanya telah pergi. Semoga Allah cucuri rahmat ke atas roh kedua-duanya.
Sampaikan salam saya, ibu dan isteri saya kepada Ibu dan keluarga Zarina. Take care, Khuda hafiz. Wassalam...
Dear Taufiq,
ReplyDeleteI got so much comfort from your mind-soothing Doa and condolences.
Thank you for your friendship. Take care. May Allah be your guardian. Wassalam...
Dear Kak Malina,
ReplyDeleteTerima kasih atas petikan Ayat 21 Surah At Tur itu. Membaca ayat itu benar-benar mendamaikan jiwa.
Terima kasih Kak atas ucapan takziah Kakak. Take care. Khuda hafiz. Wassalam...
Dear Mr Michael KL.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your heartfelt thoughts and condolences.
Take care. May God be your guardian. Bye for now..
Dear Mr Michael Teh.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your words of wisdom. I read it more than once because it gives me comfort each time I read it.
Thank you once again for your friendship. Take care. May God be your guardian. Bye for now..
Dear Saudara Azmy UN Juba,
ReplyDeleteThank you for your heartfelt thoughts and condolences . Yes, you are right. Later, all of us will eventually enter the "Alam Barzah". All of us...
By the way, of course I still remember you. It is still fresh in my mind we have had delicious lunch at Laziz Restaurant in Al-Amarat area not far from the Embassy of Malaysia in Khartoum, together with a kind and handsome Malaysian diplomat, Encik Shuhada.
Insya-Allah one fine day later I will step my foot in Juba, the capital of the new Republic of South Sudan. And the first place that I will go when I reach Juba is the UN office there to see you, a fellow Malaysian that I hold in high regard, for a chit-chat.
Thank you for your friendship. Take care. May Allah be your guardian. Wassalam..
Abang Hisham, condolences to you. Don't know about other readers but I cried when reading your writing just now. Beautiful writing,beautiful photos. May I meet you again one fine day...........
ReplyDeleteas salam sahabat..takziah dari kami sekeluarga..was told about your dad's demise on the same day by an ex mrsm muar student but I didn't know how to contact you..
ReplyDeletesemoga roh arwah dicucuri rahmatNya..
Dear Anoynymous,
ReplyDeleteThanks for your kind thought & condolences. Thank you so much also for spending your valuable time reading my blog. Whoever you are, may one day we shall meet and have a cup of tea together..
Take care. May God be your guardian. Bye for now. Wassalam..
Dear JHisham,
ReplyDeleteThank you very much for your friendship. Terima kasih banyak-banyak juga untuk doa yang diberikan.
Semoga roh ayah saya (dan juga roh your ayahanda) sama-sama dicucuri rahmat oleh Allah. Dan semoga Alam Barzah kedua-dua mereka menjadi satu taman dari taman-taman Syurga. Amen. Take care my friend...Wassalam...
Khairul dear, takziah atas pemergian ayah tercinta. May your late father's soul is blessed by Allah. Although we haven't met and you do not know me, after reading all your 16 blog postings I know you're a special person. Your writing is inspiring. Your wife is fortunate to have you as her husband and you are blessed to have a good wife like her. Take care Khairul..
ReplyDeleteAssalamualaikum Lin,
ReplyDeleteThank you for your kind thought, condolences and Doa.
Thank you very much also for spending your valuable time reading all my blog-postings.
Apart from posting your comment here, you are also welcome to communicate with me via my email khairul.hisham@ymail.com should you have any comment, idea or feedback pertaining to any specific content of any of my blog-postings that you have read.
Take care ya. May Allah be you guardian. Bye for now. Wassalam...
Hi Khairul
ReplyDeleteSorry for hearing this news at such a late moment. Nonetheless, my husband and I would like to send our condolences to you and your family on your recent loss. We do envy you having such a great wife who has spent much efforts taking care of your father during your absence. Meanwhile, do try and spend time with your mother if possible as well as your family members. Take good care of yourself too....
Jin and Jean
Dear Mr & Mrs Jin and Jean,
ReplyDeleteThank you very much for your kind thought and condolences.
Thank you also for your generous words about my wife. Yes...I am very thankful to God that it was proven again and again that in every venture and major decision I have made in my life, my wife was and is my strongest supporter:-)
Please continue to keep in touch ya. I pray that God will be the guardian of kind-hearted people like both of you.
Take care ya, Bye for now...
Salam Hisyam,
ReplyDeleteTakziah dan semoga tabah dan rohnya ditempatkan dikalangan orang2 yg beriman. Take care sahabat. Maaf baru baca blog.
Ali Muar/Pt Selamat
Sahabatku Ali..,
Berbanyak-banyak terima kasih atas ingatan dan ucapan takziah Ali. Saya amat hargai..
Sekiranya balik kampung nanti, sampaikan my salam kepada your ayah (Cikgu Haji Tukiman). Dulu aruah ayah saya dan ayah Ali memang sama-sama aktif dalam politik peringkat grassroot kampung. Saya perhatikan kedua-duanya (iaitu aruah ayah saya dan Cikgu Haji Tukiman) mempunyai cara berpolitik yang lebih kurang sama iaitu tenang, tidak emosional dan berdiplomasi bila berbicara soal politik dan tidak pernah memaki hamun lawan politik dengan bahasa yang kesat. Begitu jugalah dengan karakter Wak Haji Mijan, pakcik Ali yang merupakan jiran aruah ayah saya.
Teruskan kita berhubung, Ali. Email alternatif saya ialah khairul.hisham@ymail.com .
May Allah be your guardian. Take care sahabatku. Wassalam...
Abg Hisham, saya nangis tiap kali baca posting yg ini. Tapi bila baca posting lain pasti tersenyum sendiri dgn humour Abg Hisham. Hmmm...dimanakah gerangan Abg Hisham sekarang? Siapakah Abg Hisham sebenarnya? Hari-hari mesti pergi blog ni. Latarbelakang muzik juga aduh sangat indah. Memang you are my inspiration!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteDear "Peminat",
Terima kasih banyak-banyak kerana hari-hari melawat blog saya. By the way, sekadar untuk highlight sekali lagi kepada pembaca-pembaca yang lain, di ruangan weblink (iaitu sebelah kanan blog ini) ada banyak kategori weblink:
535 World Newspapers (Updated Daily)
21 International News Agency
59 Malaysian Newspapers
122 Woman Magazines
35 Management Magazines
118 Sports Magazines
60 Scuba Diving Magazines
69 Sailing Magazines
57 Golf Magazines
73 Marketing Magazines
84 Travel Magazines
49 Martial Arts Magazines
40 Fishing Magazines
25 Shooting Magazines
32 Self Defence Websites
Jika ada lagi maklum balas atau idea tentang mana-mana posting yang saya sudah buat, selain dari menulis di ruangan "Komen" yang ada di bawah setiap posting, anda boleh juga menulis directly to personal email saya iaitu:
Take care. May Allah be your guardian. Bye for now. Wassalam...
Dear Khairul,
ReplyDeleteMay Allah grant him jannat Ameen. I'm glad as your friend.
Take carez
Sagheer Rajper
Dear Sagheer,
Thank you dear brother for your Doa. Ameen Ya Rabbal Alameen..
Thank you also for your friendship. By the way, please do invite me and wife to Karachi when you get married because both of us would love to see "live" the whole process of Pakistani wedding ceremony and Sindhi culture. And..we will bring one set of beautiful "Batik Kelantan" dress for your beautiful wife as the wedding gift from us:-)
I target by year 2014 I should set a branch in Karachi. Well...it's business branch, not "wife's branch" although I know Pathan and Sindhi ladies are extremely beautiful:-) Pakistan with its 177 milions population is a big market. Indeed. Hopefully you or your relatives will be my business partner for Karachi branch. Insya-Allah.
By the way, my wife and I always laugh when we recall your joke i.e "I am still thinking what should I think"
You take care Brother. Khuda hafiz. Bye for now. Wassalam..
Wallekum Salam,
ReplyDeleteThanks Buddy..
It would be my pleasure. I will surely invite you on my weeding, & will show the the culture of Sindh & sindhi's.
& My prays are with you to start business in Karachi. My relatives & friends will be with you.
haha Joke ! then finally what do u decide to think ? ;)
Abg Hisham, thk u for sharing yr doa & prinsip hidup at top of yr blog. i salute u. tapi sayu juga hati baca yr doa...........
ReplyDeleteDear Anonymous,
DeleteThank you for your comment.
Actually that Doa is a Doa that I have learned from my Pak Kiyai. I make a discipline to recite this Doa passionately 5 times a day after my Daily Solat. And the purpose I put it in my blog is simply because I want to share with my other Muslim brothers and sisters something which I believe is a good amalan.
In my humble opinion, it is unfortunate to note that many Muslims recite their Doa in Arabic without even knowing the meaning of the Doa itself, especially those who do not bother to learn simple Arabic.
I believe if we do not know what we are asking for from Allah in our Doa, then logically there is absolutely zero possibility that our Doa has got "Roh". Impossible. Meaningless..
From what I have learned, the best Doa is the Doa that we actually 'talk' from the bottom of our heart. It does not matter whether we recite our Doa in Arabic, Urdu, Malay, Kelate, Zimbabwe or in Iban language. Rest assured, whatever language we use to recite our Doa, Allah will understand it. Indeed.
Furthermore, how can we cry in our Doa and how can we recite our Doa passionately if we ourselves do not know the meaning of the Doa?
The time for us to just follow and say 'Amen' blindly to the standard Doa recited by the Imam is over. We must 'talk' passionately from the bottom of our heart while reciting our Doa. And this passion will not be there if we just become a 'parrot'.
Wallahulam Bissawab..(And Allah Know Best)
Take care. Bye for now. Khuda Hafiz. Wassalam.
Anonymous is right. That's the most honourable and noble life principle I've ever read. That's also the most touching personal Doa I've ever known. The words that come out from you always special, mengesankan dan menyentuh jiwa! Take care Khairul dear..
ReplyDeleteDear Admirer,
DeleteThank you for writing your comment.
Regarding my personal Doa, please have pleasure to read my reply to Anonymous (above)
Regarding honourable and noble life principle, I must say that what is 'honourable' and what is 'noble' is very subjective depends upon whom you ask the question to.
I must confess I am a very ambitious 42 years old Malay man. My wife knows that I am a very determined person. As a matter of fact she told me that in her eyes I am the most ambitious Malay man that she has ever known. In addition, many of my Chinese clients used to say that I am a different 'species' of Malay, much different from a typical Malay man that they have dealt with. Joking aside.
In a nutshell, if I want to achieve something I will definitely go all out to achieve it, as long as it is ethical and as long as it is not against the law or not against my religious belief. No doubt about that. I consider myself a very extremely hardworking man. Indeed I am. Just for a small example, there were a few occasions whereby I passionately focused on completing my paperwork or proposals without sleeping the whole night, not even for one minute. And the magic part is I did not feel sleepy at all the very next day. I guess I derive my super inner strength from the power of my 'sub-conscious mind' and because I love what I am doing.
I am not trying to boast or anything but with that kind of positive attitude and passion the fact remains that I have achieved many success in my career. Many indeed.
HOWEVER, as a Muslim I believe that the day will DEFINITELY come when my helpless dead body or jenazah finally will be carried away to the grave. As a Muslim I also believe that the day will DEFINITELY come when I will be in my Liang Lahad alone, dealing with Malaikat Munkar & Nakir.
And that will be the day when anything else does not matter anymore except my good deeds, my amalan and my amal jariah that I have done when I am still alive. At the end of the day it does not really matter anymore whether or not while we are living on this Planet Earth we have a big business empire or a beautiful wife or a big house or a big car or a big position in a Fortune 500 company etc, etc, etc. Does not matter anymore, my friend. Does not matter.
As a Muslim, I solemnly believe that: "The only true measure of my success in life is how far I have obeyed Allah's commandments, according to the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W" (Ukuran kejayaan SEBENAR seseorang manusia itu ialah sejauh mana dia dapat taat perintah Allah, berpandukan kepada sunnah Nabi Muhammad S.A.W)
May Allah guide me and you to have the strength and courage to be a better Muslim (assuming you are a Muslim), day by day, week by week, month by month, year by year. Amen...
Take care ya. My Allah be your guardian. Bye for now. Wassalam..
Abg hisham, where's yr update? miss your humour, miss yr writing!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteDear Gadis Melayu,
DeleteThank you for reading my blog.
Due to the passing of my father, I am now in the midst of restructuring my business modus-operandi. Hence, the busy schedule.
Please continue to read my blog. There are many newspapers link from all over the world which are updated daily and magazines which are updated periodically in my blog.
Take care. May Allah be your guardian. Bye for now. Wassalam...
hi khairul, that's the most touching personal doa! i admire and adore you..i already read all you blog postings..your writing brought me to different 'alam'. please please continue writing!!!
ReplyDeleteDear Mawar Berduri,
DeleteThank you so much for reading all my blog-postings (all the 16 postings, am I right...?)
I am honoured and humbled by your generous compliments. As a matter of fact, people like you who actually inspire me to be a better person, a better Muslim, a better husband, a better father and a better human-being.
With regard to my personal Doa, please read my explanation stated above (i.e my reply to "Anonymous")
Take care. May Allah be your guardian. Bye for now. Wassalam...
Abg hisham,pls pls pls update yr blog coz i really really miss yr writing & yr humour:-):-):-)
ReplyDeleteDear Gadis Melayu,
DeleteSorry for my late response. Thank you so much for reading my blog.
Actually there are many interesting stories about my ventures in Jakarta for me to write in my blog especially about my mind-soothing weekend religious activities at a Pondok Pesantren located in a panoramic remote village here, surrounded by green hills. It's like Heaven on Earth...The most beautiful place I have ever been in my life. To spend time listening to such wonderful islamic teaching by the Pak Kiyai and to mingle with all the future "Hafiz" and "Hafizah" who are most of them "anak yatim" (no parents) really has made me realize that there is Heaven on Earth. There is...Indeed there is.
But after doing a lot of soul-searching, I have decided to keep a low profile and not publishing my life activities in my blog anymore.
Take care ya. May Allah be your guardian. Wassalam..
Abang KH yg sangat saya hormati, menitis airmata saya baca tulisan abang kali ini & baris-baris doa abang untuk arwah ayah. Sudah lama kita tak jumpa,lebih 20 thn..Moga Allah makbulkan semua cita2 & impian abang KH
DeleteDear Anonymous,
Mohon maaf karena lambat banget membales komen anda.
Menurut apa yang saya pelajari dari Pak Kiyai saya, ramai orang Islam hari ini hanya setakat menyedekahkan Al Fatihah saja kepada si mati atau ibubapa mereka tetapi malangnya terlupa pula untuk berdoa juga kepada Allah agar Allah mengampunkan dosa-dosa si mati dan melindungi roh si mati dari azab kubur.
Doa yang paling tinggi derajatnya ialah doa yang dilafazkan seolah-olah kita berbicara dari lubuk hati kita sendiri kepada Allah, Tuhan Yang Maha Penyayang. Dan doa itu seharusnya doa yang kita sendiri mengerti apa yang kita sendiri doakan atau lafazkan. Memang Bahasa Arab itu adalah bahasa yang paling afdhal untuk berdoa tetapi sesungguhnya Allah itu Maha Mengetahui meskipun kita berdoa dalam bahasa apa pun samada dalam Bahasa Melayu, Bahasa Jawa, Bahasa Sunda, Bahasa Kelate, Bahasa Iban, Bahasa Zimbabwe atau Bahasa Monyet sekalipun.
Lagipun, bagaimana bisa kita berdoa sehingga mengalir airmata jika kita sendiri nggak mengerti satu apapun yang kita lafazkan dalam doa kita itu ya? Pernahkah kita melihat Burung Kakaktua mengalirkan airmata ketika sedang melafazkan kata-kata yang diajar atau ditiru dari tuannya? Nggak pernah kan...
Take care ya. May Allah be your guardian. Wassalam...
hi khairul, million of thanks for putting many weblinks about "soulmate connections" below your guest stats counter. huh! this soulmate thing..for so long i keep wondering if i am crazy. its amazing that there are other people out there who feel the way i do. it's interesting to read so many stories of this at heart & soul connection link that you put there. it's a relief to know there are others out there experiencing the same soul mate connections phenomenon!
DeleteDear lost soul,
My apology for the late reply.
It's nice to know that my collection of weblinks related to 'Soulmate Connection Phenomenon' have benefited you in one way or another.
As a Muslim, I solemnly believe that there are so many more things in life that we as a normal human-being still do not know yet. This why in Islam acquiring knowledge is considered as Wajib (obligatory).
The fact that all this while we have not got any slightest idea about a particular topic or a particular segment of knowledge does not make that knowledge as "tahyul" or superstitious. Far from it.
By the way, remember in 1950s....we have no idea there is a so-called knowledge or technology about mobile phone communication. Let's say at that time in 1950s I told people that I could talk to somebody 10,0000 km away just by utilizing a kind of wave with a device called 'mobile phone' or 'handphone', most probably they would say that I was promoting something superstitious by nature. They might even call me a witch that practice black magic by uttering that statements!
It's the same with Soulmate Connection, Telepathy etc, etc. Never make an easy conclusion that everything is wrong or haram just because we still do not know the explanation behind all those 'advanced' phenomenons.
Thank you for reading my blog.
Take care ya. May Allah be your guardian. Wassalam...
I really like the blog.I have shared your site with many friends and family. It is always a pleasure to read.
DeleteChoti Sardarni
Abg Hisham, t.kasih letak weblinks berkenaan Soulmate. Lepas baca all links tu rasa terjawab bnyk persoalan selama ini. Take care.....
DeleteDear Anonymous,
Mohon maaf karena lambat banget membales komen anda
Terima kasih banyak karena membaca blog saya.
Jemputlah baca penjelasan saya berkenaan fenomena Soulmate Connection ini dalam jawapan saya kepada 'lost soul' di atas.
Take care ya. May Allah be your guardian. Wassalam...
Dear KH,
ReplyDeleteTQ for all weblinks esp the woman mag links! Wow so many woman mag I can click & surf!!!
& your background music soooo good,soooo romantic
wish can meet u in person one fine day???
Dear Lady,
DeleteSorry for my late reply.
I am extremely happy to note that you have enjoyed reading all the magazine links that I have laboriously and diligently put it one by one in my blog.
Take care ya. May Allah be your guardian. Wassalam...
Abang Hisham, 'lady' is sooo 100% right when she wrote your music background is soooo good & so romantic!!! YOU bring me to different world, to high sky, to paradiseeee each time I listen to your background music Richard Clayderman playing his piano for Love Story theme song Where Do I Begin & then Kenny G with his saxophone for Besame Muchooooooo!!!!!!!!!!
DeleteDear Anonymous,
Sorry for my late reply.
I am honoured and humbled by your compliments.
Thank you so much for reading my blog.
Take care ya. May Allah be your guardian. Wassalam...
Hi Khairul, very nice piece of writing! With your writing you've made me cry & you've made me smile broadly... Look fwrd to read your updates..
ReplyDeleteDear Just Admirer,
DeleteSorry for my late reply.
Thank you for reading my blog.
I am honoured and humbled by your compliments.
Regarding updates of this blog, actually there are many interesting stories about my ventures in Jakarta for me to write in my blog especially about my mind-soothing weekend religious activities at a Pondok Pesantren located in a panoramic remote village here, surrounded by green hills. It's like Heaven on Earth...The most beautiful place I have ever been in my life. To spend time listening to such wonderful islamic teaching by the Pak Kiyai and to mingle with all the future "Hafiz" and "Hafizah" who are most of them "anak yatim" (no parents) really has made me realize that there is Heaven on Earth. There is...Indeed there is.
But after doing a lot of soul-searching, I have decided to keep a low profile and not publishing my life activities in my blog anymore.
Take care ya. May Allah be your guardian. Wassalam..
Abg hisham, updatelah your blog!!!!! miss yr writing & yr humour!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteDear Gadis Melayu,
DeleteMohon maaf karena lambat membales komen anda.
Berkenaan update of my blog, silahkan lihat penjelasan saya dalam jawapan saya kepada 'Just Admirer' di atas ya
Terima kasih banyak karena menjadi pembaca setia blog saya.
Take care ya. May Allah be your guardian. Wassalam...
Abang.. dah baca all your postings.realy love your writing. u make me cry u make me laugh!& romanticnya lagu.. u are so unique& special. updatelah pls..
ReplyDeleteDear Anonymous,
DeleteMohon maaf karena lambat membales komen anda.
Terima kasih banyak-banyak karena menghargai tulisan-tulisan saya dalam blog ini.
Berkenaan update of my blog, silahkan lihat penjelasan saya dalam jawapan saya kepada 'Just Admirer' di atas ya
Take care ya. May Allah be your guardian. Wassalam...
Sangat sedih mambaca posting Abg Hisham kali ini. Takziah dari saya...
DeleteDear Hamba Allah,
Terima kasih atas ucapan takziah yang diberikan. Saya sangat menghargai.
Terima kasih juga karena meluangkan masa membaca tulisan saya dalam blog ini.
Take care ya. May Allah be your guardian. Wassalam...
Abg hisham, u said pondok pesantren in jakarta remote village is heaven on earth.. can i follow u to pondok pesantren pls.......?
DeleteDear Gadis Melayu,
Yes, I have said in my earlier reply (above) that the Pondok Pesantren located in Jakarta remote village which I normally spend my time during weekend is indeed a "Heaven on Earth"..
Yes, you may follow me to the Pondok Pesantren, if you wish.. By the way, you may contact me via my email:
I will give you my Jakarta hp number later when you email me.
Perhaps it's worth mentioning that it is always my dream and also my wife's dream that after retirement both my wife and I plan to live in a Pondok Pesantren located in a beautiful Indonesian village either in Bogor, Sukabumi or Bandung, surrounded by green hills and near a village river.
We also plan to contribute something to the Pondok Pesantren in term of our skills. I plan to teach these "anak-anak Pondok Pesantren" English Language and my wife can teach them Computer Skills (For your info, apart from Islamic studies, Pondok Pesantren also provides "modern" subjects teaching to their students such as English Language, Mathematics and Computer Skills because they also sit for their "Ujian Nasional" (similar to SPM in Malaysia or O-Level in the UK).
By spending our time at Pondok Pesantren, my wife and I plan to continuously listen to such wonderful Islamic teaching by the Pak Kiyai and to mingle with all the future "Hafiz" and "Hafizah" at the Pondok Pesantren. It's also our dream to have the discipline to perform Solat-Solat Malam and Solat Tahajud each and every night together, as a husband and wife, at the Pondok Pesantren. And during day time we will enjoy doing some farming. No doubt, it is Heaven on Earth in whatever way both of us see it. Indeed it is.
Take care ya. May Allah be your guardian. Wassalam..
Dear Abg Khairul Hisham,
ReplyDeleteSame with gadis melayu, I would like to tag along whenever you go to your Heaven On Earth i.e Pondok Pesantren in Jakarta remote village.
Hmmm.. just fed-up with my never-ending corporate rat race!
Good Night Bang...
I'm now enjoying your selection of romantic song
DeleteDear Peminat,
Thank you for your intention to tag along.
Please see my reply to Gadis Melayu (above) pertaining to that matter.
Take care ya. May Allah be your guardian. Wassalam..
Aduh abg hisham...sedapnya lagu-lagu pilihan abang.....
ReplyDeleteyou know.. everyday I MUST listen to your romantic songs selection before I sleep.....
you bring me to different world bang,betul ni .............
I came to know about your blog from my ex-mrsm cheras collegemate
I enjoy reading each topic of your blog & love your writing!....why don't you update your blog? why?????????? kenapa?????????
macam tak caya abang hisham yang dulu pakai songkok masa buat A-Level kat mrsm cheras rupa-rupanya romantik gila.....
the way you express your love to your wife....pegghh romantik gila, 1st class love!!!
di mana pun abg hisham berada skrang, saya doakan abg hisham sentiasa selamat.......
moga kita dapat jumpa lagi satu masa nanti, amin........
DeleteDear Big Fan,
Thank you for reading my blog. It's nice to know you have enjoyed listening to the mind-soothing background music in my blog.
Perhaps it's worth mentioning that one of the 25 Rasul in Islam i.e Prophet Daud A.S (or Prophet David A.S) was gifted by Allah with his melodious voice. It was said that his voice was so good and so melodious to the extent that all animals, mountains and also Jinns enjoyed singing with him. That's the power of music in Islam!
Menurut apa yang saya pelajari dari Pak Kiyai (Tok Guru) saya, sebenarnya ada pelbagai pandangan dan fatwa mengenai hukum mendengar muzik ini dalam Islam.
Dalam bahasa mudahnya, ulamak-ulamak Islam tidak sepakat dalam menentukan hukum mendengar muzik ini.
Menurut Pak Kiyai saya, ada 2 sebab besar kenapa ulamak-ulamak tidak bisa sepakat mengenai hukum mendengar muzik, iaitu:
(1) Karena ulamak tidak sepakat dari sudut menentukan kedudukan atau mertabat hadis-hadis yang diriwayatkan yang berkenaan hukum mendengar muzik ini
(2) Karena ulamak tidak sepakat dalam memahami dan mentafsirkan hadis-hadis yang menyentuh isu-isu menggunakan alat-alat muzik itu sendiri.
Ada beberapa ulamak yang mengharuskan menggunakan alat-alat muzik atau mendengar muzik dan nyanyian. Saya tidak hafal dan ingat semua nama ulamak-ulamak yang menghukumkan harus ini.
I come from legal background. My degree is a law degree from a British university and I am not a Syariah degree holder. Hence, I could not remember the names of all ulamak who have said listening to music is not necessarily haram. It is different if you ask my beloved Pak Kiyai at the Pondok Pesantren. He definitely remembers all the names of those ulamak who have made the fatwa that in certain conditions, listening to music is not haram.
Yang paling saya ingat nama ulamak yang mengharuskan mendengar bunyi-bunyian peralatan muzik itu adalah Al Syeikh Mahmud Syaltut.
Seandainya kita merujuk kepada fatwa Al Syeikh Mahmud Syaltut ini dalam "Al Fatawa Dirasah li Musykilat al Muslim al Mu’asir fi Hayatihi al Yaumiyyah wa al ‘Ammah", beliau ada berkata begini (dan saya perturunkan di sini sepatah demi sepatah terjemahan kata-kata beliau dalam Bahasa Malaysia):
“Mendengar alat-alat bunyian yang ada irama dan suara yang merdu tiada boleh dihukumkan haram dari segi suara-suara itu suara alat-alat atau suara manusia atau suara binatang. Hanya haram itu apabila digunakan pada perkara haram atau digunakan untuk tujuan haram atau ia melalaikan daripada perkara yang wajib pada syarak”.
Seorang lagi nama ulamak yang tidak mengharamkan secara mutlak mendengar alat-alat muzik ini ialah Dr. Ahmad Al Syarbashi.
Kalau ada masa cubalah buka kitab Dr. Ahmad Al Syarbashi ini yang bertajuk "Yas'alunaka ‘an al Din wa al Hayah". Dan silahkan anda lihat di halaman yang membicarakan topik-topik berkaitan mendengar muzik dan nyanyian. Ada penerangan yang jelas mengenai hukum mendengar alat-alat muzik ini.
Wallahulam bissawab.. (And Allah knows best)
Take care ya. May Allah be your guardian.
Have a beautiful night to you.
Bye for now. Khuda Hafiz. Wassalam.
ReplyDeleteDear Briana,
Thank you for reading my blog and thank you so much also for spending your valuable time writing your comment.
I am humbled by the fact that you found my blog very informative and interesting.
By the way, although I am a Malaysian, I love Indonesia with all my heart. Hence, as part of my social obligations towards my adopted country Indonesia, I am offering you my FREE "Tourist Guide" service if you ever come to Jakarta. I am contactable via my personal email:
I can bring you to many Indonesian home-based delicious franchise restaurants such as Es Teler 77, Ayam Bakar Mas Mono, Ayam Bakar Wong Solo, Pecal Lele Lela, Bebek Kaleyo, Solaria, Sate Senayan and many more and also to other unique tourist attraction places all over Jakarta.
Have A Pleasant Day Ahead!
Take Care.
May God Bless You.
May God Be Your Guardian.
Best Regards,
Khairul Hisham Hassan
A Malaysian Living In Jakarta
Oh Abg Khairul Hisham, I love,love love love love your instrumental romantic music b/ground. u're so romantic man:-) I agree with what 'Big Fan' wrote above. Take care......
DeleteDear Secret Admirer,
Thank you for jotting down a comment here.
Sorry for the delay in responding to your comment.
By the way, my stance on the hukum of listening to music is as per my clarification and answer to 'Big Fan' (above).
However, at the end of the day, as a Muslim I believe that whatever I do in my daily life, the ultimate purpose is to make Allah 'loves and likes' me or in a more 'Islamic terminology' is to get keredhaan Allah.
If Islam says it is haram, then it is haram. But if Islam allows it in certain conditions, then it is allowed. For me, the religion of Islam is a very practical religion and easy to practice in my daily life.
Wallahulam bissawab.. (And Allah knows best)
Take care. May Allah be your guardian.
Have a pleasant day ahead!
Bye for now. Khuda Hafiz. Wassalam..
ReplyDeleteAbg Hisham, very nice photos & very interesting writing. Continue writing please......
DeleteDear Anonymous,
Thanks for visiting my blog.
Good to know that you like my selection of photos.
I am humbled by the fact that you find my writing in this blog interesting.
Take care. May Allah be your guardian.
Have a pleasant day ahead!
Bye for now. Khuda Hafiz. Wassalam..
Very nice blog, Abg Hisham!
ReplyDeleteThank you for visiting my blog....
DeleteWonderful blog!!! Nice background music!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you for visiting my blog....
ReplyDeleteJust now I cried while reading your story. Please continue writing
Thank you for visiting my blog....
DeleteDear Abang Hisham,
ReplyDeleteI miss your writing, I miss your joke, I miss you...............
Dear "Lady Fan",
DeleteThank you for visiting my blog. I hope my blog is entertaining enough for you.
Take care. Bye for now...
Mr Khairul,
ReplyDeleteMay I have you personal email address please
Dear Lina,
DeleteThank you for visiting my blog. My personal email is: khairul.hisham@ymail.com
Yes, it is "ymail", not "gmail".
Take care. Bye for now. Wassalam
Abang,Bagaimana cara saya boleh bertemu Abang? Saya dah baca semua topik diblog ini. Saya adalah pengkagum Abang yang mahu berbicara secara berdepan.
ReplyDeleteDear Anonymous,
DeleteTerima kasih karena telah membaca semua topik di blog saya. Kalau mahu berbicara secara berdepan seperti yang anda minta, mungkin kita boleh bertemu di Jakarta. Nanti saya bawa anda ke franchise rumah makan asli Indonesia kayak Ayam Bakar Mas Mono, Pecal Lele Lela, Ayam Bakar Wong Solo, Es Teler 77 dan banyak lagi di Jakarta.
Tapi mohon email dulu ke khairul.hisham@ymail.com (bukan gmail). Saya akan bawa bersama istri saya untuk kita ketemu (seandainya anda seorang wanita).
Terimakasih banyak sekali lagi karena telah membaca blog saya. Saya menghargainya.
Take care. Bye for now
Best Regards,
Khairul Hisham Hassan
Abang, i miss your writing. miss your joke. miss u
ReplyDeleteAbang, why can't u update yr writing on what's happening like during the good old days please.........................................
ReplyDeleteAbg Hisham,
ReplyDeleteI miss your writing
I miss you!!!
Encik Khairul,
ReplyDeleteHow are you? Lama tak dengar khabar berita..
abang.. wait your story ...
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