Welcome back to my blog. I have so many stories to tell you about my latest venture in Jakarta but in my today's posting I'm not going to write about my interesting stories in Jakarta. That topics will be for my next week blog-posting.
Today I will write about Malaysian Islamic Development Department's (Jakim) directive on Valentine's Day, about the so-called "khalwat" via internet" and about Dato' Siti Bahyah's comments in YouTube linking Christianity with vices in a sermon about Valentine’s Day
By the way, I was already in Jakarta since 10 August 2010. Jakarta is not a new city for me because way back in 1998 I had the experience of working and living in Jakarta together with my wife and my children before we "ran away" from Jakarta due to chaotic conditions after President Suharto resigned. That was 12 years ago.
But my mission this time is to set-up my own Indonesian incorporated company which runs my branch here in Jakarta.
Photo: President General Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) Is The Son Of Bapak Raden Soekotjo And Ibu Siti Habibah From Tremas, A Village In Arjosari, Pacitan, East Java. Despite Wikileaks Revelation (As Reported In Sydney Morning Herald & The Age Australia Newspapers On 11 March 2011) About President SBY's Alleged Corrupt Practices, I Still Believe He Is The Cleanest President In Indonesian History. He Won The Presidential Direct Election With A Landslide 61% Popular Votes In 2009. Nonetheless, Nowadays He Is Heavily Criticized For Being Slow And Indecisive. I Call This: "Abdullah Badawi Syndrome"! And Not Only That...He Is Also Perceived By Many Indonesians That I've Personally Talked To As A Leader With No Real Vision & Mission Who Spends His Precious Time More On "Curhat" Here And "Curhat" There. Well...Another Clear Symptom of "Abdullah Badawi Syndrome"!
My company is providing the following consultancy services:
Photo: Barack & Michele Obama Visited Istiqlal Grand National Mosque In Jakarta On 10 November 2009. Michelle Obama Wore The Hijab During That Trip. And From The Photo We Can Clearly See The President Padded Round In His Socks While Michelle Also Removed Her Shoes As Another Sign Of Respect In The Place of Worship. Both Obama & Michelle Strolled Along A Carpet Laid Across The Courtyard. The Macho Indonesian Man In The Photo Is None Other Than The Grand Imam Ali Mustafa Yaqub. By The Way, Obama Used To Live At Menteng Dalam, Jakarta For 4 Years In 1967. So, During His Public Lecture At Universitas Indonesia On 10 November 2010 He Spoke In Bahasa Indonesia: "Pulang Kampung Nih". He Also Impressed The Audience When He Said: "Sate, Baso, Saya Ingat Pedagang Keliling Itu Selalu Berteriak Sateee! Basoooo!..Enak Ya". Perhaps It's Worth Mentioning That President Barack Obama's Step Father Was Bapak Lolo Soetoro, An Indonesian Muslim..
And....here comes the most exciting part. For a Malaysian Muslim man who appoints my company as their A to Z consultant for all matters concerning their Jakarta branch office set-up, I would be glad to offer them my "bonus" services, free of charge, which is to find for them a beautiful, religious, super soft-spoken Javanese or Sunda lady from Pesantren religious schools in Bogor or Sukabumi to be their wife with the following condition: That Malaysian Muslim man is still single!
If that man is only "single-at-heart" or "single-in-his-wild-imagination' but in reality he is already married in Malaysia, then he must really need to convince me that he has got at least an "implied" permission from his Malaysian wife to have a second Jakarta wife.
And one more thing...that Malaysian man should not be too ugly in order not to give other Malaysian men "bad name" among Jakarta ladies. He may not need to be as handsome as me but at least he must be deemed as "reasonably handsome" to maintain the good image of Malaysian men among Jakarta ladies.-)
Photo: Indonesian Lady Is Undoubtedly Beautiful, Sweet, Soft Spoken, Polite, Caring, "Manja" & Can Make Even A Fierce Monster Like Mike Tyson Purrs Like A Kitten. And...This Is Beautiful Indonesian Actress Inneke Koesherawati. Her Parents Come From Purworejo, Jawa Tengah. But It Goes Without Saying That My Very Own Beautiful "Inneke" Is My Wife! My Dear Wife..I'm Forever In Love With You. And Only You.
Jakarta is a huge market with its 240 million Indonesian population. And out of that 240 millions, there are 24.9 million Middle Class and Upper Class Group in Indonesia (Ref: "Litbang Kompas Report" 2009).
Therefore, I have set-up an Indonesian company, "PT Pro-Versatile BTL" just to handle the marketing and operations for Indonesia huge market.
Alhamdulillah, in October 2010 officially my Indonesian subsidiary company by the name of "PT Pro-Versatile BTL" was successfully incorporated with the Indonesian Ministry of Justice (SK Kehakiman) and the Investment Coordinating Board (BPKM). Currently my Jakarta branch office is located at Sampoerna Strategic Square, Jalan Jenderal Sudirman.
My Jakarta branch office address is:
PT Pro-Versatile BTL
Sampoerna Strategic Square
South Tower 18th Floor
Jalan Jenderal Sudirman Kav 45-46
Jakarta 12930
Tel: +6221 5750923
Fax: +6221 5750803
These are altogether at least eight tasks that need to be fulfilled before I manage to have my Indonesian incorporated company in Jakarta:
(1) Akta Pendirian Perusahaan (Article of Association of the Company)
(2) BPKM (Investment Coordinating Board's Approval for foreign-owned company)
(3) SK Kehakiman (Approval From Ministry of Justice)
(4) NPWP (Registration With Tax Department)
(5) TDP (Company Registration Certificate)
(6) BNRI (Berita Negara R.I Notice Announcement)
(7) Domisili (Compulsory Permission From Pak Lurah)
(8) KITAS Visa (Permission To Live & Do Business In Indonesia)Alhamdulillah, without any hassle the Indonesian Immigration has also approved my KITAS application which is a Visa that allows me to set-up my business and live in Jakarta legally.
Photo: Having Es Durian & Delicious Ribs At Mamink Daing Tata Restaurant Located At Jalan Casablanca, Tebet, With My Brother-In-Law (Right) Who Came To Jakarta For A Vacation With My Younger Sister. Look At His Macho Face. He Has The Look Of A Typical Engineer Who Can't Part With His Gadgets And Gizmos! And...The Photo Shows Out Of Sudden He Was Staring At The Floor, As If He Saw An Indonesian Gadget "Crawling Mysteriously" On The Restaurant Floor!
What a tedious process and bureaucracy to set-up a company in Jakarta! But I still love Jakarta with all my heart. For me, Jakarta is a paradise-on-earth. No doubt about that. The people here is definitely very much more polite and very much more soft-spoken as compared to citizens of other parts of Planet Earth, the food is very delicious and the countryside panoramic and beautiful view makes my heart cries and my mind blows...
Photo: Indonesian Green Countryside. There Are Many More Villages With Panoramic Views Throughout Beautiful Indonesia. Well...If Mr M. Nasir, The Legendary Malaysian Composer Lives Here Surrounded By Mountains And Waterfalls, I Believe He Can Compose Many More Mind-Soothing Songs Better Than His "Kepada Mu Kekasih", "Nota Terakhir" Or "Keroncong Untuk Ana". Who Knows...Over Here He Can Compose "Keroncong Untuk Anta" Which Is More Touching Than "Keroncong Untuk Ana" Or Maybe "Keroncong Untuk Altantuya"! What Say You, Mr Razak Baginda? Traumatic?
My blog-writing for next week will be regarding my exciting personal experience living and doing consultancy business in Jakarta. So I will keep my Jakarta venture collection of stories and photos for my next blog posting. As for today, please me to comment on 3 issues here:
Today I will write about Malaysian Islamic Development Department's (Jakim) directive on Valentine's Day, about the so-called "khalwat" via internet" and about Dato' Siti Bahyah's comments in YouTube linking Christianity with vices in a sermon about Valentine’s Day
By the way, I was already in Jakarta since 10 August 2010. Jakarta is not a new city for me because way back in 1998 I had the experience of working and living in Jakarta together with my wife and my children before we "ran away" from Jakarta due to chaotic conditions after President Suharto resigned. That was 12 years ago.
But my mission this time is to set-up my own Indonesian incorporated company which runs my branch here in Jakarta.

My company is providing the following consultancy services:
- Consultancy on "Doing Business in Jakarta"

And....here comes the most exciting part. For a Malaysian Muslim man who appoints my company as their A to Z consultant for all matters concerning their Jakarta branch office set-up, I would be glad to offer them my "bonus" services, free of charge, which is to find for them a beautiful, religious, super soft-spoken Javanese or Sunda lady from Pesantren religious schools in Bogor or Sukabumi to be their wife with the following condition: That Malaysian Muslim man is still single!
If that man is only "single-at-heart" or "single-in-his-wild-imagination' but in reality he is already married in Malaysia, then he must really need to convince me that he has got at least an "implied" permission from his Malaysian wife to have a second Jakarta wife.
And one more thing...that Malaysian man should not be too ugly in order not to give other Malaysian men "bad name" among Jakarta ladies. He may not need to be as handsome as me but at least he must be deemed as "reasonably handsome" to maintain the good image of Malaysian men among Jakarta ladies.-)

Jakarta is a huge market with its 240 million Indonesian population. And out of that 240 millions, there are 24.9 million Middle Class and Upper Class Group in Indonesia (Ref: "Litbang Kompas Report" 2009).
Therefore, I have set-up an Indonesian company, "PT Pro-Versatile BTL" just to handle the marketing and operations for Indonesia huge market.
Alhamdulillah, in October 2010 officially my Indonesian subsidiary company by the name of "PT Pro-Versatile BTL" was successfully incorporated with the Indonesian Ministry of Justice (SK Kehakiman) and the Investment Coordinating Board (BPKM). Currently my Jakarta branch office is located at Sampoerna Strategic Square, Jalan Jenderal Sudirman.
My Jakarta branch office address is:
PT Pro-Versatile BTL
Sampoerna Strategic Square
South Tower 18th Floor
Jalan Jenderal Sudirman Kav 45-46
Jakarta 12930
Tel: +6221 5750923
Fax: +6221 5750803
These are altogether at least eight tasks that need to be fulfilled before I manage to have my Indonesian incorporated company in Jakarta:
(1) Akta Pendirian Perusahaan (Article of Association of the Company)
(2) BPKM (Investment Coordinating Board's Approval for foreign-owned company)
(3) SK Kehakiman (Approval From Ministry of Justice)
(4) NPWP (Registration With Tax Department)
(5) TDP (Company Registration Certificate)
(6) BNRI (Berita Negara R.I Notice Announcement)
(7) Domisili (Compulsory Permission From Pak Lurah)
(8) KITAS Visa (Permission To Live & Do Business In Indonesia)Alhamdulillah, without any hassle the Indonesian Immigration has also approved my KITAS application which is a Visa that allows me to set-up my business and live in Jakarta legally.

What a tedious process and bureaucracy to set-up a company in Jakarta! But I still love Jakarta with all my heart. For me, Jakarta is a paradise-on-earth. No doubt about that. The people here is definitely very much more polite and very much more soft-spoken as compared to citizens of other parts of Planet Earth, the food is very delicious and the countryside panoramic and beautiful view makes my heart cries and my mind blows...

My blog-writing for next week will be regarding my exciting personal experience living and doing consultancy business in Jakarta. So I will keep my Jakarta venture collection of stories and photos for my next blog posting. As for today, please me to comment on 3 issues here:
If you read The Star, a Malaysian newspaper yesterday, 12 February 2011, under the topical heading "Valentine's Day Synonymous With Vice, Jakim Tells Muslims", the Malaysian Islamic Development Department (Jakim) director-general Datuk Wan Mohamad Sheikh Abdul Aziz was quoted as saying that Valentine's Day is associated with Christianity and vice activities.
Well...I do not want to get involved in a debate whether Valentine's Day celebration is associated with Christianity or not. To my understanding, the Council of Churches of Malaysia general secretary Reverend Dr Herman Shastri has issued a statement that “Valentine's Day is a secular observance that is not celebrated religiously by churches in Malaysia or worldwide”. To know more about the history of Valentine's Day you can get the complete information at Wikipedia.
The following are my comments about Valentine's Day:
Hmmm...talking about Valentine's Day, for how many years whenever approaching 14th February, I always sent SMS to many of my Muslim friends that if celebrating Valentine would be such a never-ending big issue, why not we as a Muslim community in Malaysia create our very own one annual special day to display our affection or extraordinary pure love towards our wife, fiancee or whoever that we love passionately.
And for many times I suggested to them for the Malay Muslim why not we create our own so-called "Kassim Selamat Day", as an alternative to "Valentine's Day". Note: Kassim Selamat is character played by P.Ramlee in "Ibu Mertuaku" a 1962 film

Well...Kassim Selamat's display of pure love towards his wife, Sabariah is legendary. There is no way Valentine will ever dare to poke or dig-out his own eyes (with abnormal sized wooden fork and spoon without the help of an eye surgeon and without anesthetic) like what my Kassim Selamat did 49 years ago!
All in the name of his pure love towards Sabariah. Ralph Waldo Emerson used to say: "Let not a man guard his dignity, but let his dignity guard him". That was exactly the reason as to why Kassim Selamat did that mind boggling dare-devil stunt. Mind you...what Kassim did was not a suicide attempt which is sinful. He simply wanted to return to his "status quo" as a blind man. It is more honourable than seeing his beloved Sabariah cuddled by notorious Dr Ismadi.
Silly? Maybe. But were you born yesterday? Don't you ever know that love between a non-mentally retarded man and a non-mentally retarded woman often filled of "mad" things. Indeed.
Oh I hate Dr Ismadi, the opportunist eye-surgeon and also Nyonya Mansoor, the mother-'outlaw' of Kassim Selamat. Both of them were so 'zalim' and have never appreciated Kassim Selamat's pure love towards sweet Sabariah.
And yes you are right....tomorrow, 14th February when I wake up I will say to my wife with a lot of passion in my sweet romantic voice: "HAPPY KASSIM SELAMAT DAY to you, my dear wife!" Sound weird? You bet. But at least I am not uttering the word "Valentine". And shall we say this Kassim Selamat (the blind man "not-by default") can certainly say with authority that "Love is Blind"!
My same comment can also be read under "Comments" in Malaysia Today.
In a television programme aired on TV9 (actually more than than a year ago but the brouhaha only started very recently) she was claimed to link Christianity with vices in a sermon about Valentine’s Day. To be exact, she said “vices, going to discos and to be in remote place with a partner as Christian tradition.”
You can listen to the recording of her comment in YouTube is viewed by close to 100,000 visitors. And the displeasure on her remarks has been voiced out by many Christian groups in Malaysia as stated in Malaysian Insider.

In an attempt to discourage Muslims from celebrating Valentine’s Day on February 14, Dato' Siti Nor Bahyah also presented several versions of the origin of the celebration and declared the day as a Christian festival.
The following are my comments about Dato' Siti Bahyah's remarks:
I am a "full-time" practicing Muslim and I love my religion very dearly but I can't stop whispering to my heart how wrong this Dato' Siti Nor Bahyah is. (Thank God it is not my favourite Dato' Siti Nurhaliza). Look...just because some Westerner practices pre-marital sexual relationship, "clubbing" and any other hedonistic way of life this does not simply means that Christianity as a religion teaches its followers that kind of way of life. In fact far from the truth. Far, far as far as Greek in Europe from Grik in Perak.
The same way many idiots who claim they are Muslim, yet they practice terrorism, or incite violence against their own wife, or have very rude manners, or break promises, or bomb other Muslim's mosque who is of different school of thought (like in Pakistan). Not to mention those jokers who claim they are leaders of Muslim countries, yet are so corrupt, autocratic, oppressive and cruel.
In other words, it is extremely wrong to conclude that Islam teaches all of those negative values just because some Muslims idiots practice that with no shame at all. Then by using the same logic, I honestly do not see how a wise person like Dato' Bahyah can make such an easy conclusion to link Christianity with vices. And mind you...I am a Muslim. However, it will be an insult to my intelligent mind granted by Allah if I blatantly agree with Dato' Bahyah's misleading opinion
It is a real tragedy that a learned person like Dato' Siti Bahyah can have that kind of thinking. Even my uneducated but religious Javanese aunties and uncles who are living in a small village who have never been given a chance to be in national TV channels (unlike this glamorous Dato Siti Bahyah) will never make a wrong conclusion that just because some Christians followers are alcoholic or practicing pre-marital sexual relationship then it simply means Christianity teaches all of those things.
As a matter of fact, I shook my head in disbelief for roughly 3 continuous minutes listening to the speech given by this Dato Siti Bahyah either at YouTube or during the TV programme. Simply can't belief it how easy a so-called "Researcher" or "Motivational Speaker" or "Cakaran Rimau-Making Love-Technique-Proponent" or whatever you call her, can reach a conclusion.
By the grace of Allah, I had the opportunity to live and mingle with the British Christian community in 1994 when I did my law degree in Sheffield, UK . Unlike other majority of Malay students who love to mingle most of the time with their Kelantanese, Johorean, Kedahan, Air Baloian, Taipingan or Batang Berjuntaian friends, I really mixed around with many Christian British friends when I lived in the UK while still practicing my daily Muslim routine religiously.
And let me humbly say with authority here that Dato' Siti Bahyah is very wrong to link free-marital sexual relationship, "clubbing" and any other hedonistic way of life with Christianity teaching.
On the other hand, there are so many real Christians that I met there on daily basis who were very decent human-beings, extremely polite, caring, very much against pre-marital sexual relationship and definitely were not practicing hedonistic way of life.
Oh...I can still remember the face of my neighbour when I was living in the UK, Father Bernard McGary, whom when we bumped into each other would never fail to greet me with : "How are you today my son? Are you alright my friend Khairul? Tell me my dear friend how can I really help you today?" If my memory serves me right, I hardly hear such a greeting from my felllow Muslim Imams or Ulamak. What about Dato' Siti Bahyah? Hmmm...My same comment can also be read under "Comments" in Malaysia Today.


This simply means although I am in Jakarta and Manisha Koirala is in Kathmandu, both of us are deemed to be committing "khalwat" if we are chatting alone, without any third person involves throughout our chatting session, regardless whether or not I use a formal language and not romantic language during the chatting, regardless whether or not while typing at my laptop keyboard here I am using my hand gloves and not caressing Manisha Koirala's beautiful silky-skin, regardless whether or not Manisha Koirala is wearing her black Triumph's Butterfly Bra throughout the chatting session.

So honestly speaking, what if, throughout the chatting session there is a third person involves. Let's say the third person is my sweet Maya Karin, a beautiful Malaysian-German actress. This means there are three of us are chatting together through internet, not just two persons. So it can't be "khalwat", can it? Then what should we call that one? Group Session khalwat? Sheesh!...An Orgy? Na'uzubulillah!

Here are my comment about Datuk Zawawi's opinion. By the way, to my non-Malaysian blog readers, I am sorry this comment is in Malay language because I originally wrote this comment to be posted under "Comments" topic at Malaysia Today in Malay language because the original news was reported in Malay language. Maybe I will translate my comment into English next week:
Adalah sangat zalim untuk menyalahkan internet sekiranya terjadi keruntuhan rumahtangga. Internet ini seperti pisau. kalau pisau itu diberi kepada Maya Karin, dia akan guna untuk memotong kek yang enak untuk saya dan dia makan bersama di tepi kolam renang, sambil saya cuba nasihat-nasihatkan dia memakai Bikini Muslim agar nggak menunjukkan bentuk tubuhnya yang indah itu.
TAPI kalau pisau yang sama diberi kepada Hang Jebat, pastinya tanpa menunggu walau 3 menit pun dia akan guna pisau yang sama itu untuk mengamuk membunuh para koruptor di Putrajaya.
Begitu juga dengan "alat kelakian" seseorang, sekiranya diguna untuk melakukan persetubuhan penuh nikmat dengan isteri yang halal, malah bisa jadi IBADAT pula karena membanyakkkan umat Rasulullah S.A.W tapi "alat" yang sama pula bisa jadi LAKNAT kalau diguna untuk berzina seperti kes Ariel dan Luna Maya.

Photo: Bapak Puspo Wardoyo (The Founder of "Ayam Bakar Wong Solo" Franchise Business) With His 4 Religious And Beautiful Wives. This Is A Classic Example Whereby "Alat Kelakian" Can Be A Tool For Ibadat.

Kesimpulannya, buruk atau baik sesuatu MEDIUM atau ALAT itu tergantung kpd KITA. Maka untuk mengatakan intenet bisa menghancurkan rumahtangga, kalau menurut saya nggak berapa betul. Semuanya tergantung kepada ORANG yang menggunakan Internet itu.
Bagi diri saya yang terpaksa "out-station" ke banyak negara karena urusan bisnis, internet adalah karunia Allah yang teramat indah sekali karena dgn internet saya bisa saja chatting hari-hari dengan isteri bagaikan pasangan "anak-muda yang sedang mabuk berpacaran" walaupun sudah 17 tahun bernikah. Dengan adanya internet juga saya bisa menatap wajah lembut dan ayu isteri saya yang mendamaikan jiwa itu HARI-HARI secara "LIVE" guna Webcam.
Nah...kalau ada rumahtangga hancur karena ada pasangan yang curang menggunakan intenet, itu bukan salah Internet "mengandung", tapi salah isteri curang itu yang rela dimengandungkan oleh lelaki durjana teman selingkuhan!My same comment can also be read under "Comments" in Malaysia Today.
Date Posted: 12 July 2009
Are KFC And McDonald Using 'Ilmu Pelaris' (Black Magic) To Increase Their Global Sales?
I believe I don't need to use a Shaman or 'Dukun' in my business venture. I believe in my own effort and then I believe in my pray or doa to Allah in everything I do. I do not believe in black magic. Have you ever heard KFC or McDonald use black magic or 'pawang' to increase their global sales, have you?What about Bill Gates? Has he ever used a Red Indian traditional black-magicians to increase his Microsoft Windows Vista sales or to kill competition from Google? The answer is a resounding "No". Even Bill Gates cannot use any black magic to contain or create a 'gate' against any virus attack in Windows system. We need Karpesky or Norton anti virus to combat it, not a Shaman like Pawang Subagio or Pawang Adiwata from Kalunggung Mountain to resolve this virus problem.

Can "Ilmu Pengasih" (Black Magic) Make George Bush And Osama Bin Ladin Intimately Having Breakfast Together?
I used to work in Jakarta in 1998. In the newspaper that I read those days there were so many advertisements promoting this super natural powers to resolve any problems, whether it is to win the heart of your girl friend ("Ilmu Pengasih"), to make your business performs better ("Ilmu Pelaris") or even to make you not being injured from any weapon ("Ilmu Kebal"). For this group of people there is no no need to read "How to Win Friends and Influence People" book written by Dale Carnegie. For them, everything can be resolved just by using the service of this Shaman or 'Dukun'
They claim their super natural ability can do everything and can do wonders. They maybe can claim that their super natural power can make George Bush and Osama Bin Ladin intimately having breakfast together at Kabul Hilton Hotel while smiling and patting each other like a romantic gay couple who has not made love for 6 long months!
If Indonesian Shaman or "Dukun" Is So Good, Why Indonesia Is Not The World Cup Champion?
For me it's simple, if the Indonesian "Dukun" (Shaman) is so powerful why on earth Indonesia has never won any World Cup football tournament. Not even once. Why? If this black magic really works well we should have at least Indonesia qualified to compete in the final round of FIFA World Cup, if not win it. The fact remains they have never qualified, let alone win the World Cup.
What about the claim that if you are a goal keeper, you can use black magic to ensure that nobody can score a goal passing through you? I heard about this claim even when I was competing in my primary school football competition. Again, if this Javanese "Dukun" or Shaman can do wonders why we have not seen any imported Indonesian goal keeper plays in English Premier League or Spanish La Liga and saved a very clear cut sure-goal kick from Fernando Torres or Christiano Ronaldo?

It was Gordon Banks, the English Goal Keeper And not "Guntur Bagong", an Indonesian Goalie That Made That Great Save!
Do you remember in Mexico 1970 World Cup when Jairzinho delivered an inviting cross from the right wing which bypassed the English centre halves? And then out of nowhere Pele, the King of Football rose majestically in the air. Everybody saw Gordon Banks seemed to be beaten as he scampered despairingly across his goal post. Although Pele's header was perfect, Banks somehow managed to tip the ball over the crossbar. That made the crowd were simply stunned by that great save.
Mind you, the name of that great goalkeeper was Gordon Banks. If the black magic from the Indonesian 'Dukun" is very powerful, why not the name of the goalkeeper say "Guntur Bagong" instead of Gordon Banks?, or Budianto, Prabowo or Joko Sembung?
Date Posted: 12 June 2009

The Moment I Told Them "My Wife Is From Kelantan", The Response Is "Oh That Tengku Fakhry Who Tortured Manohara Odelia Pinot"
The essence of the case is very simple. Manohara Odelia Pinot announced to the whole world that she was treated like a sex slave after her marriage last year to Tengku Fakhry, whose father is the Sultan of Kelantan. She escaped the prince's guards at a Singapore hotel and returned to her family in Indonesia with tales of abuse, rape and torture at the hands of the 31-year-old prince. But of course Tengku Fakhry has denied abusing his estranged teenage US-Indonesian model wife and he even threatened to launch legal action against her for making false allegations.
Who To Believe? Manohara Odelia Pinot or Tengku Fakhry?
Well..I cannot say for sure who are actually telling the truth. So I reserve my comment, at least for now. But as a Malaysian who used to work and live in Jakarta back in 1998, let me share with you my general opinion about the so-called 'socialite' like Manohara.
I am very reluctant to swallow everything narrated by Manohara, a well-known socialite in Jakarta and her mother, Daisy Lajarina who herself was on Interpol 'Red Notice' for the past one year. Mrs Fajarina was reportedly a suspect in a case of an Indonesian maid locked up in her house when she was in France last year. There are many ladies like Manohara Odelia Pinot not only in Jakarta but also in the whole world who are waiting to struck the 'lottery of their life' by being a 'princess' or consort of their respective prince charming.
Withdrawal of Support By Fellow Indonesians
I read in various newspapers including the Indonesian newspapers (via the internet), that an Indonesian NGO women activist (Ratna Sarumpaet) who previously offered her assistance to Manohara has also withdrawn her support because of the issue related to the real existence of evidence of sexual torture and abuse purportedly suffered by Manohara as a direct result from Tengku Temenggong's awkward sexual demands.
Another prominent Indonesian public figure that has withdrawn his support is OC Kaligis, a well-known lawyer in Jakarta. When I was working in Jakarta in 1998, I used to deal with OC Kaligis's law firm pertaining to certain legal matters of the company that employed me (but only with his senior staff, not with OC Kaligis directly). So I know the fact that people like OC Kaligis, Hotma Sitompoel and Adnan Buyung Nasution are all big names in the Indonesian legal fraternity.
So when OC Kaligis who initially offered his legal services to Manohara later also withdrew from representing her, citing difficulty of getting cooperation to gather evidences, my initial belief in the story of Manohara sexual torture has greatly diminished.
The Doctor's Claim. Can We Just Swallow It?
What about a forensic doctor by the name of Dr Mun'im Idries who told AFP news agency that there are slash wounds on many parts of Manohara's body, especially on her chest which he claimed some are still fresh?
Well..Let me put my response this way. Even if I really want, I myself can 'make' a Sudanese doctor to announce to the world that there are many slashes and wounds all over my body as a result of endless torture by a Sudanese lady. It maybe difficult to find that kind of doctor but it is still possible to get just one doctor who can make that claim, especialy if I have a lot of money and if I can guarantee the doctor that there will be a very high possibility he will not be subjected to any vigorous verification by any third party on his claim.
My point here is how credible is this doctor who made that claim on behalf of Manohara and her mother? Will this doctor be subjected to any cross-examinations by Tengku Temenggong's lawyer in a court of law? My experience living in Jakarta shows that you can buy almost everything in Jakarta when you have 'Dollars' in your hands. With all due respect to all my Indonesian friends, it is indeed a reality in Jakarta's life. I do not mean to insult the dignity of all the Indonesians by making this general statement. Of course the majority of Indonesian people are very honest and reliable with high integrity. Thus, there surely have many more reliable doctors in Jakarta. But unless any third party doctor (not an Indonesian or a Malaysian doctor) who can validate the claim by this Dr Mun'im Idries, the claim of torture and abuse remains just a claim.
In a way, OC Kalingis and Ratna Sarumpaet's withdrawal of support shows that not all Indonesians are emotional and blindly supported their fellow citizens without solid evidence.
Do You Know What Substance You Injected Your Wife?
Having said that, I do not in any way try to say that Tengku Temenggong absolutely did not commit this heinous act of barbarism. Maybe he did. Who knows. Maybe he really cut Manohara's chest with a razor as claimed by Manohara. Maybe it is true that he injected Manohara with 'unidentified substance' before having sexual intercourse with her, also as claimed by Manohara. I do not mean to talk dirty here, but to all the Indonesians ladies I would like to say that we, the Malaysian men will definitely know fully well what kind of substance that we injected our wives during making love. For us, (normal Malaysian men) there is no such thing as 'unidentified substance'. Not like in your Manohara's case.
It's All About The Art of Making Love
If you really study very carefully all the news related to Manohara's saga, it seems that all her accusations against her husband, the Tengku Temenggong related to his treatments towards her during their private time as a husband and wife. In other words, most of the accusations related to the way they make love. Isn't it disgusting?
If it is proven true that Tengku Temenggong engaged in such an inhumane act, this kind of behaviour is definitely not condoned by any average Malaysian men who are generally very romantic and loving.
Human, Not Cats and Dogs, Has Become More Daring In The Art of Making Love
But nowadays we never know. Human has become very complicated in fulfilling their sexual desire. Even the famous David Cardine, the star of 1970s TV series "Kung Fu" found hanging in a Bangkok hotel room last week. The Thai police have said they suspect Carradine died from a sex act that went wrong after his body was discovered on June 4 hanging from a wardrobe rail in a Bangkok hotel room, naked and with ropes attached to his neck and penis. You see! human are becoming very daring and strange.
I do not think animals dare to do this kind of act. I solemnly believe cats and dogs maintaining their very same way same when comes to making love, right from the Gengis Khan time until the present day. They never practice any sadism in their sexual intercourse. But please do not make any assumption that I know about this 'cats and dogs' thing because I keep on observing how these cats and dogs making love!
Leave Bigfoot Alone!
That's why in certain aspects, animals are sometimes better than certain group of human being. Those who know me surely can recall three years ago I strongly objected to the mission of so-called 'Bigfoot researchers' to capture Bigfoot that was said still roaming our Endau-Rompin jungle.
For me, leave that Mr Bigfoot alone. If they really exist, they have done nothing wrong to us, the human being.
Anyhow, have you ever read in any newspaper about any news regarding any Bigfoot was captured for raping Malaysian lady at Jalan Haji Taib? Have you ever watched any news in our television regarding any Bigfoot as a snatch-thief, riding on a motorcycle on broad daylight in Malaysia, snatching lady's handbag? No! Only human-being did that. With that I rest my case.
That's all for today. Thank you for your time reading my blog. Till we meet again next week with my Jakarta story and many more photos! Permisi dulu Bapak-Bapak dan Ibu-Ibu. Have a fantastic and bombastic day! Khoda hafiz, Wassalam..
Constructive feedback from my blog readers are welcome. Please either:
(a) Write your comment below, OR
(b) Write directly to me at khairul.hisham@ymail.com
So when OC Kaligis who initially offered his legal services to Manohara later also withdrew from representing her, citing difficulty of getting cooperation to gather evidences, my initial belief in the story of Manohara sexual torture has greatly diminished.
The Doctor's Claim. Can We Just Swallow It?
What about a forensic doctor by the name of Dr Mun'im Idries who told AFP news agency that there are slash wounds on many parts of Manohara's body, especially on her chest which he claimed some are still fresh?
Well..Let me put my response this way. Even if I really want, I myself can 'make' a Sudanese doctor to announce to the world that there are many slashes and wounds all over my body as a result of endless torture by a Sudanese lady. It maybe difficult to find that kind of doctor but it is still possible to get just one doctor who can make that claim, especialy if I have a lot of money and if I can guarantee the doctor that there will be a very high possibility he will not be subjected to any vigorous verification by any third party on his claim.
My point here is how credible is this doctor who made that claim on behalf of Manohara and her mother? Will this doctor be subjected to any cross-examinations by Tengku Temenggong's lawyer in a court of law? My experience living in Jakarta shows that you can buy almost everything in Jakarta when you have 'Dollars' in your hands. With all due respect to all my Indonesian friends, it is indeed a reality in Jakarta's life. I do not mean to insult the dignity of all the Indonesians by making this general statement. Of course the majority of Indonesian people are very honest and reliable with high integrity. Thus, there surely have many more reliable doctors in Jakarta. But unless any third party doctor (not an Indonesian or a Malaysian doctor) who can validate the claim by this Dr Mun'im Idries, the claim of torture and abuse remains just a claim.
In a way, OC Kalingis and Ratna Sarumpaet's withdrawal of support shows that not all Indonesians are emotional and blindly supported their fellow citizens without solid evidence.
Do You Know What Substance You Injected Your Wife?
Having said that, I do not in any way try to say that Tengku Temenggong absolutely did not commit this heinous act of barbarism. Maybe he did. Who knows. Maybe he really cut Manohara's chest with a razor as claimed by Manohara. Maybe it is true that he injected Manohara with 'unidentified substance' before having sexual intercourse with her, also as claimed by Manohara. I do not mean to talk dirty here, but to all the Indonesians ladies I would like to say that we, the Malaysian men will definitely know fully well what kind of substance that we injected our wives during making love. For us, (normal Malaysian men) there is no such thing as 'unidentified substance'. Not like in your Manohara's case.
It's All About The Art of Making Love
If you really study very carefully all the news related to Manohara's saga, it seems that all her accusations against her husband, the Tengku Temenggong related to his treatments towards her during their private time as a husband and wife. In other words, most of the accusations related to the way they make love. Isn't it disgusting?
If it is proven true that Tengku Temenggong engaged in such an inhumane act, this kind of behaviour is definitely not condoned by any average Malaysian men who are generally very romantic and loving.
Human, Not Cats and Dogs, Has Become More Daring In The Art of Making Love
But nowadays we never know. Human has become very complicated in fulfilling their sexual desire. Even the famous David Cardine, the star of 1970s TV series "Kung Fu" found hanging in a Bangkok hotel room last week. The Thai police have said they suspect Carradine died from a sex act that went wrong after his body was discovered on June 4 hanging from a wardrobe rail in a Bangkok hotel room, naked and with ropes attached to his neck and penis. You see! human are becoming very daring and strange.
I do not think animals dare to do this kind of act. I solemnly believe cats and dogs maintaining their very same way same when comes to making love, right from the Gengis Khan time until the present day. They never practice any sadism in their sexual intercourse. But please do not make any assumption that I know about this 'cats and dogs' thing because I keep on observing how these cats and dogs making love!
Leave Bigfoot Alone!
That's why in certain aspects, animals are sometimes better than certain group of human being. Those who know me surely can recall three years ago I strongly objected to the mission of so-called 'Bigfoot researchers' to capture Bigfoot that was said still roaming our Endau-Rompin jungle.
For me, leave that Mr Bigfoot alone. If they really exist, they have done nothing wrong to us, the human being.
Anyhow, have you ever read in any newspaper about any news regarding any Bigfoot was captured for raping Malaysian lady at Jalan Haji Taib? Have you ever watched any news in our television regarding any Bigfoot as a snatch-thief, riding on a motorcycle on broad daylight in Malaysia, snatching lady's handbag? No! Only human-being did that. With that I rest my case.
That's all for today. Thank you for your time reading my blog. Till we meet again next week with my Jakarta story and many more photos! Permisi dulu Bapak-Bapak dan Ibu-Ibu. Have a fantastic and bombastic day! Khoda hafiz, Wassalam..
Constructive feedback from my blog readers are welcome. Please either:
(a) Write your comment below, OR
(b) Write directly to me at khairul.hisham@ymail.com
Welcome back Abang Khairul Hisham! Miss you! Miss You! Miss Your writing. Miss your humour. Happy to read your writing againnnn!!!
ReplyDeleteDear LADY FAN, thank you for being a loyal fan of this Blog. I appreciate it. Insya-Allah I will write consistently each week after this. Take care. Bye for now. Khoda Hafiz. Wassalam..
ReplyDeleteBro.Khairul, TQ for updating! As usual, very entertaining, nice photos and you made me laughing throughout my reading!! Take care Bro.
ReplyDeleteDear Anonymous, good to know that you have enjoyed reading my latest blog posting. Hope you can also comment on my piece of thought regarding Happy Kassim Selamat Day, Cyber Khalwat issues etc. Have a pleasant day!
ReplyDeleteSo...Mr Khairul, let me have the honour to be your first blog reader to wish you: HAPPY KASSIM SELAMAT DAY!! Hahahahaha
ReplyDeleteMr Khairul, you are such a creative man. I love reading the CAPTION of your photos. Funny & Entertaining. You got talent. Don't stop. I am your fan. Hope more to come.
ReplyDeleteHAPPY KASSIM SELAMAT DAY!! . Was trying to connect via facebook. It's my very first day entering into fb world and walla .. you had left. Damnn you Tok Sheikh ... ;-)
ReplyDeleteAnyway nice to meet again in cyber worlds. Till then.
Shamsuri Mohd Rashid
Ahli Persatuan Seni Silat Kuntau Kepti ... eh Tekpi.
Dear Michael KL, same to you...Happy Kassim Selamat Day!:-) It's nice to have you writing comment each time I update my blog. Take care my friend. Have a very pleasant day!
ReplyDeleteDear Lenny, It's heartening to know that you have enjoyed reading captions of my photos. Yes Lenny...there are more interesting photos to come, and I'll ensure you that I'll do my best to write very interesting captions below the photos. You take care ya. Till then, Bye for now...
ReplyDeleteDear Shamsuri, Assalamualaikum...What a very pleasant surprised to be in touch with you again. Wow! it's have been 20 years we have not met each other ya...If my memory serves me right, since the time we did our A Level together in MRSM Cheras.
ReplyDeleteHehehe...Regarding Seni Silat Kuntau Tekpi, it was a pleasure to be the first President of Seni Silat Kuntau Tekpi Association of MRSM Cheras especially when I have the support and reliable assistance from you my friend as the then Head of "Biro Ekonomi"! Oh...what a sweet memory studying at MRSM Cheras A Level Centre! (But unfortunately...sad memory when comes to my personal "Classic Love Story". Hehehe. It's okay, I always redha or accept my destiny set by Allah because Allah knows what's best for me..)
Regarding my Facebook account, I already quitted Facebook since 18th December 2010. I have put the announcement on that day itself on my Wall. But I let my EXISTING WALL & PROFILE remain "as it is". May it become a sweet memory to me that I used to be in Facebook world.
But I am still contactable via my email khairul@pro-versatile.com . Please let me know my friend if you come to Jakarta. I'll bring you to have Es Teler and Ayam Bakar Mas Mono and we shall go together to Pesantren at Bogor to listen to interesting religious talk by the Pak Kiyai. Take care Shamsuri. Bye for now...
Three words: Brilliant & Beautiful Blog!!!
ReplyDeleteMr Khairul, thanks for interesting story about Jakarta beautiful lady. Look forward to engaging your service for Doing Business in Jakarta. Don't forget the "Bonus Service" for me ;-)
ReplyDeleteDear Anonymous, Thanks for reading my blog. I am humbled and honoured by your "Three Words"..By the way, I will be very pleased if you could also possibly share your comment about the topics I wrote in this blog-posting. Have a fantastic weekend!
ReplyDeleteDear "Friend", Yes...should you decide to engage me as your consultant for "Doing Business in Jakarta", I am more than happy to offer you my "Bonus Service". But...like I wrote in the blog, one of the conditions to qualify for the "Bonus Service" is although you may not need to be as handsome as me, at least you must be deemed as "reasonably handsome", which I believe you are! By the way, my Jakarta mobile number is +6281210196689 (25 Hours) and my email is khairul@pro-versatile.com. Take care. Bye for now.
ReplyDeleteAbg Khairul Hisham, Maya Karin will laugh if she reads your comments about her ex-hubby David Shorthose!!!!
ReplyDeleteErrr... emel Inneke Koesherawati ada...? Aharks...!
ReplyDeleteDear Mr Najwa Aiman (the respectable writer of many novels such as "Asing", "Bahang Selatan" and many more), Hehehe no my friend...I don't have Inneke Koesherawati's EMAIL ADDRESS. But I have her HOUSE ADDRESS which is even better!
ReplyDeleteHence, may suggest 3 simple steps for you to meet Inneke in person:
STEP 1: Go to Inneke's house at Bintara Jaya Permai A.61, Cibening, Bekasi Barat. Note: You better take Bluebird Taxi which is very trustworthy and reliable. Guaranteed you will reach this address with no problem. Insya-Allah.
STEP 2: Tell the "Satpam" ("Satuan Pengamanan" or Pak Guard) in front of Inneke's house that you are just an innocent Malaysian man who wants to appreciate the beauty of Allah's creation by seeing Inneke in person.
STEP 3: Ask permission from Pak Fahmi Darmawansyah (Inneke's hubby) that you want to see his wife's face "live" but with no "syahwat" whatsoever. Hehehe.
STEP 4: Enjoy your day. Have a cup of tea with Inneke. Talk nicely and super-politely to her so that she will come to realize how gentleman and romantic Malaysian men like you and me are.
Good Luck My Friend. The address of Inneke that I gave you is true (unless this morning she decided to move to Egypt!)
abg khairul hisham, it's hilarious!!! pls write more abt yr jakarta venture. will wait patiently 4 yr next update! u're such an expressive & romantic hubby. i envy yr wife!!!!!! hahahaha
ReplyDeleteDear "admirer", nice to know you are enjoying my blog. Thank you for reading my blog.
ReplyDeleteBTW nothing to envy. Life is so short. For your info, I have many sad stories and "tragic memories" in the past (Hehehe. But hmmm...seriously). Hence, 18 years ago in 1993 I made a vow to myself that whoever Allah has destined to be my wife, I will do whatever it takes to be the best husband that my wife could ever have.
I'm a normal man who has many weaknesses here and there but everyday I do soul-searching because I'm very determined to make myself a better person, a better husband and a better father. Take care ya. Bye for now..
Khairul dear..where is your blog update? Miss your writing!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteDear "Anonymous", I really appreciate your request for me to update my blog. Lately I'm very busy (in fact busier than Muammar Gaddafi of Libya. Hehehe) and I'm also not feeling well too. But I will update my blog regarding my Jakarta venture very soon. Indeed there are many nice stories for many to write in my blog. Take care ya. Khuda Hafiz (May God Be Your Guardian). Bye for now..
ReplyDeleteDear Khairul, honestly your selection of background musics & romantic songs were so beautiful music! The Godfather Theme Song, Besame Mucho by Kenny G, Unchained Melody, Dealova etc etc etc. You make me cry you know! Then..when I read your writing (especially the photo captions) you make me laugh. You are very talented. You are very special. Please do not stop. Please write more! God bless you my dear
ReplyDeleteDear "Lady",
ReplyDeleteThank you for reading my blog. It's nice to know you enjoyed listening to the mind-soothing background music in my blog.
Perhaps it's worth mentioning that one of 25 Rasul in Islam i.e Prophet Daud A.S (or Prophet David A.S) was gifted by Allah with his melodious voice. It was said that his voice was so good and so melodious to the extent that all animals, mountains and also Jinns enjoyed singing with him. That's the power of music in Islam!
Have a beautiful day to you. Take care. Bye for now..
Nice blog. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteDear Nano,
ReplyDeleteThank you for spending your precious time reading my blog.
If you have any comment with regard to the subject matter of my writing, please feel free to write your feedback.
Have a beautiful day! Bye for now.
Abg Khairul, are you the same abg Khairul that I knew of during A level time in 1990? how time has changed people! for the better i mean. i must say very interesting piece of blog writing. glad to know frm your blog you have happy life & a happy family now. btw wondering also who your wife is? is she studying at mrsm cheras too? same like others i hope you continue writing, thanks for many interesting info about sudan, kathmandu and jakarta. i agree with your opinion on manohara case. till then. cheers!
ReplyDeleteDear Anonymous,
ReplyDeleteThank you for your comment.
Regarding Manohara Odelia Pinot's brouhaha, almost all my Jakarta friends blamed Tengku Fakhry. That's how powerful the mass media i.e TV, newspapers etc in Indonesia in shaping public opinion. The very moment I mentioned the word "Kelantan" the people here will associate it with what they call "pangeran anak raja yang sadis bernama Tengku Fakhry"!
Well...It seems that no chance for me to market Budu Cap Ketereh here in Jakarta la weiii....:-)
Take care. Bye for now
khairul, terhibur baca your blog. Updatelah....
ReplyDeleteDear "peminat",
ReplyDeleteSaya menghargai 'keterhiburan' anda membaca blog ini.
Iya...nanti akan saya usahakan untuk update blog saya ini berkenaan my Jakarta venture.
Khuda Hafiz (May God Be Your Guardian). Take care. Bye for now.
-Beautiful music
ReplyDelete-Nice photos
-Funny captions
-Brilliant writing
-Informative content
-Resourceful weblinks list
Keep up this good work! Don't stop writing!!!
Dear "Altantuya",
ReplyDeleteThank you for your generous words.
Indeed it will inspire me to make this blog better.
Have a beautiful weekend to you and your family!
My Dear Khairul, thanks for very informative & comprehensive weblinks on right hand side of your blog! Surely you've spent hours & hours to do research for those hundreds of newspapers, websites, magazines. May God bless a kind and creative man like you.......
ReplyDeleteDear Anonymous,
ReplyDeleteIt's good to know that those weblinks benefit you.
Those nearly 500 newspapers from all over the world are updated daily while all the magazines are updated periodically.
I have spent hundreds of accumulative hours to do a comprehensive web-research to find, select and put all those weblinks in my blog without any commercial "hidden-agenda" behind this effort. (Well...for the list of Woman Magazine's weblinks, I actually dedicated it to my beloved wife, as a small token of my deep love towards her. Now, at a click of the mouse my wife will be able to read many magazines from all over the world for her favourite recipes, beauty tips, fashion news etc)
I believe those weblink of hundreds of newspapers and magazines serve as useful reference tools for valuable knowledge and information. Hence, hopefully it may become my "Amal Jariyyah". Amen.
Take care. Have a beautiful weekend!
Abg Khairul Hisham, I'm starting to cry every time I hear your background instrumental music i.e "Sad Romance". It is so beautiful. It really gives me truly awesome feelings and goosebumps. BTW who is this composer Thao Nguyen Xanh? Never heard before. Reading your interesting blog & listening to your selection of music make me entering different world! Keep going, okay! Don't you ever stop!
ReplyDeleteDear "Admirer",
ReplyDeleteNice to know that my selection of mind-soothing music has given you awesome feeling.
Actually Thao Nguyen Xanh is a folk singer-songwriter based in Virginia.
Although she has a band named "The Get Down Stay Down", from time to time Thao Nguyen Xanh continues to perform as a soloist. For example, in August 2006 she performed as a soloist in a European tour with Laura Veirs and the Tortured Souls.
My wife and I only enjoy certain genre of musics which we think are mind-soothing and beautiful music. As a Muslim perhaps it's worth mentioning again that one of 25 Rasul in Islam i.e Prophet Daud A.S (or Prophet David A.S) was gifted by Allah with his melodious voice. It was said that his voice was so good and so melodious to the extent that all animals, mountains and also Jinns enjoyed singing with him. That's the power of music in Islam!
Have a productive and beautiful today!
Abg Khairul Hisham, salam.., mana latest blog update abt yr Jakarta venture? Rindu benar la nak baca yr latest writing.....
ReplyDeleteKhairul dear, please update your blog. I miss your writing & I miss your sense of humor the most...
ReplyDeleteDear "Anonymous" and "Gadis",
ReplyDeleteThank you for reading my blog and for writing your comments. Insya-Allah eventually I will update my blog.
Currently I am in Padang, the capital city of Sumatera Barat, the "Land of Minangkabau".
No...not because I love earthquake. Not because I love to see the beautiful face of Minangkabau Lady "day & night". But I am in Sumatera Barat to assist my associate (Bapak Yudeldi Eka Putra) to set-up our small branch in Padang to penetrate Sumatera Barat market.
Take care, Bye for now, Khuda hafiz and Wassalam...
Abg Khairul, Selamat Menyambut Ramadan di mana pun Abg berada! Rindu nak baca tulisan Abg Khairul yang penuh humor dan bersahaja. Updatelah!
ReplyDeleteDear "Anonymous",
ReplyDeleteThank you for your Ramadhan greetings. Happy Ramadhan to you too...
Indeed Ramadhan is a beautiful month. Saat paling bahagia bulan Ramadhan kerana saya dapat sama-sama berpuasa, berbuka dan juga bersahur bersama isteri dan anak.
Dan saat paling indah dan damai buat diri saya pada malam Ramadhan ialah saat bersolat Tarawih bersama isteri.
I still remember in 2008 I spent the whole Ramadhan in Manchester & also in London. It was a very challenging Ramadhan for me. I have to lower my gaze when I was in the bus or Underground Tube because many English ladies wore sexy dress. Very sexy indeed.
Well..I didn't want my "Ramadhan pahala became thinner" or "kurus pahala puasa" just because I wanted to appreciate the beauty of Allah's creation in the wrong way with my innocent eyes...
Take care and bye for now. Khuda hafiz, Wassalam.
Encik Khairul, lama tak dengar berita..btw kenapa tak aktif Facebook lagi ni? I suka baca your wall posting kat Facebook....I miss your writing samada kat your Facebook atau kat blog ni...Hmmm why did you quit Facebook? Why.............?
ReplyDeleteKhairul dear, Eid Mubarak Selamat Hari Raya! Miss you, your writing & your sense of humour!!!!!
ReplyDeleteSAlam Aidilfitri En Khairul Hisham,
ReplyDeleteafter all these years, only when i say your full name that I am convinced that it is the same person I was sharing the classroom with during our form 4 & 5 sc 1 last time :)
But you might not remember me since I was not popular and I normally just stood aside to avoid getting a stern look from you (so fierce..) believe me , i still remembered that look..!!
Reading your blog really cheered me up and made me realised that there are still some sincere guy who does not have any hidden agenda when writing his blog without saying something cynical,sharing his life experience and knowledge to the rest of the world without having to brag. Bravo bro ! I admire you.. :)
wish you all the best, wherever you are.
Bunga Anggerik Lestari
Dear Ms Bunga Anggerik Lestari,
ReplyDeleteSalam Aidil Fitri to you too. Thank you so much for your comment. I'm humbled and honoured by your compliments. Indeed a nice person like you that actually inspires a small man (with big tummy) like me to be a better person, a better human-being.
Just now I smiled for 3 continuous minutes reading a sentence in your comment: "to avoid getting a stern look from you so fierce..believe me, i still remembered that look..". Hehehe. Really...? Actually that was the "KGB Style-Old Khairul" when he was the Head Prefect of MRSM Muar who was so concerned about petty-tiny matters such as "students who were smoking, students who wore blue jeans (not bela Jin) etc etc".
That "Khairul Hisham" is no more in this world. Having said that, I still miss the sweet time when I was in MRSM Muar (1983-1987) & MRSM Cheras (A-Level). I wish I could turn back the clock. But its much easier to reduce my weight by using Dr Romzey Herba Prima pills etc than to turn back the hands of time...
Please take care ya. May Allah be your guardian. Rest assured, each time I hear the Indonesian actress's name "Bunga Citra Lestari", I will definitely remember yours too:-)
Dear "Admirer",
Eid Mubarak to you too. Thank you so much for writing your comments in my blog. Please take care. May Allah be your guardian.
Dear "Anonymous",
Thank you for asking. Yes, since 18 December 2010 I already quit Facebook. Hence, I no longer reply any message that is posted on my Facebook Wall.
However, if you use my email khairul@pro-versatile.com to search for my Profile in Facebook, my profile and my name Khairul Hisham Hassan is still there because I purposely let my existing Facebook Wall & Profile remain "as it is". May it become a sweet memory to me that I used to be there, in the Facebook world. .
Take care. May Allah be your guardian. Bye for now.
interesting! although I have no expert, but I want have to know more and more, on your blog just interesting and useful information. Keep it up!
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ReplyDeleteBro Khairul, thank you for updating! As usual, very entertaining, nice photos and you made me laughing throughout my reading!! Take care Bro. Shop gama UAE
ReplyDeleteBro Deena, thank you for reading my blog. Take care Bro!
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ReplyDeleteContact the lender on this email today: Houstonloanfirm@yahoo.com